Scenario 94

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Peter, a young man, is having his dinner at McDonald's. He has ordered a Quarter Pounder with cheese, large French fries, large coke, and a cheeseburger. As he eats, he sees something strange. A guy around his age walks into the store and heads to the men's room. He knocks softly on the door and whispers "open up!" while looking around nervously. The door opens and he slips inside. The door shuts behind him. Peter shakes his head and continues his meal.

After finishing his meal, Peter waits for his food to digest and wonders what is happening. He sees a chubby man come out of the men's room and leave the restaurant. Soon after, the same young man whom Peter had seen entering the restroom earlier also exits the restroom and the restaurant. He joins the chubby man outside and they talk for a while before walking away. A male crew member who is about to clean the lobby notices them and tells Peter, "How repulsive, treating the bathroom as if it were a hotel room. The last time the manager had to kick them out, of here, and they had the nerve to leave a used condom on the bathroom floor!" Peter is laughing out loud.

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