Scenario 65

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This short story is from my previous book of: "My Collection of Short Stories" This story is re-edited.

Late Friday afternoon, at the city college, two sophomore students, Katrina and Maria, entered the women's restroom. They enter separate stalls, locking the doors. Before they sat down, they wiped and lined the seats with toilet paper. Maria tells her, "It feels like I've been holding in my shit all day, here comes the torpedo (SPLOOSH!!)" Katrina remarked "Damn girl that was too loud and you need to flush that." Maria flushing the toilet twice while she is still seated while she is giggling, she says, "The one thing I hate about my shit coming out like that, is the water splashing up on my ass." Katrina, lightly breathing relieving says, "It's been a while since I took a dump in public. The last time I done this was when I was nine and it was mainly because I had diarrhea and I had to go really bad (flushing to try and drown out the smell). My moms and I were shopping downtown, we stopped at Burger King to eat and I had to use this one-toilet women's room really bad and I couldn't hold it. Besides, I never felt comfortable going in public, especially coming out the bathroom and someone walking in behind laughing or complaining about the smell I left behind, lucky no one was waiting to use that bathroom." Maria tells her, "Me, if I have to go real bad girlfriend. I'll let that shit out, yo!" "What about privacy?" Katrina asked, with Maria replying, "SO!  I'm going to go, just if I'm going to pee! I am not shy to shit in front of anyone! I do it in front my man, just as he does it in front me (leaning over to wipe her bottom) they can glance, but if they stare too hard. I ask what the fuck you looking at!" Katrina is busy wiping her bottom laughing, with Maria joining her.

Katrina and Maria exit their bathroom stall at the same time going to the basin to wash their hands. Katrina tells Maria, "I got to get used to taking a dump in a public bathroom." Maria tells her, "Shoot girl, was it to it, it's just like peeing and doing it when you're at home, except you have to wipe off and line the seat, before dropping your panties and sitting your ass down, moms used to tell my siblings and I, it's better to let that it all out your ass, than to hold it in like crazy. You can get really, really sick that way." They are exiting the restroom with Katrina replying, "Yea, but I have to tell you this, yesterday I was using the women's room at the library when this girl in my sociology class enters the bathroom, while I was washing my hands and checking out my appearance, we were talking and she enters a booth lowering her pants down to her ankles sitting on the toilet staking a dump, plus I also notice she didn't bother to wipe off and line the seat." Maria says, "Ugh, gross!" Katrina adds, "Then I am wondering to myself, is HELLO, what is up with that? Is that supposed to be a cool and trendy way of sitting on a public toilet? If it is, I rather be a prude." "Same here girlfriend," Maria says, while her and Katrina give each other the high-five salute. Katrina tells Maria, "I tell you one thing, those two females using the last two stalls when we enter and they are still there, I hope they are alright." Maria replies, "They're probably either constipated or masturbating." "Oh gross!" Katrina says, with Maria explaining, "You didn't know that, they are on the bowl fingering their clits, beating-off!" Katrina tells her, "I know all about that, but why in public, especially on a public toilet?" Maria tells her, "I have no idea." Katrina replies, "Me too and I don't want to find out either." Maria says, "Me too!" Katrina and Maria are busy talking and laughing while walking to get something to eat.

" Maria says, "Me too!" Katrina and Maria are busy talking and laughing while walking to get something to eat

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