Scenario 67

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Attention: Scenario 67 is only a parody and not a suggestion or some copyrighted idea.

One evening a dude named Mike is looking on his laptop at this video looking to recruit individuals to do research and get paid.  He looks at the interesting video which is being advertised.  He looks at the video.

"Greeting everyone, my name is Louis Pearce, president and CEO of the Pearce and Payne Group. My company and I are looking for individuals to use public restrooms, leave a review of that restroom experience and get paid. That's right, we are looking for any individuals to visit any restroom around this great nation of ours, use and afterwards take photographs or record videos of booths or single toilet restrooms that you have used. We want you to review the restroom you use, rate and leave comments; rate the restroom for comfort, cleanliness, safety, privacy and would you recommend usage for all ages. Submit all media ratings and comments by uploading them on our website, for your reviews can be published and shared, please try and keep the comments clean and not offensive.  We anticipate honesty and speaking of honesty, all media sent to us must be current and cannot be copyrighted, meaning don't go downloading videos off YouTube or any other video sites. Images from Flickr or Pinterest, etc. claiming that is yours, that is disqualification and you will not get paid. To begin, go on our website, create a personal account with a username and a password or you can sign on using your Google, Facebook or Instagram accounts.  All reviews will be monitored. Think of yourself as a public washroom critic. What are you waiting for, sign up, get accepted, get up, get out, go use the bathroom at your nearby restaurant, gas station, bus station, train station, malls, stores, parks, library, churches, any public restroom, use it and get paid. Also, please do not take selfies of yourself or create any media of anyone using the restroom, they are unacceptable. Also, no media of your or anyone's house bathroom. Anyone seventeen and under requires parental permission and school bathrooms are excluded. Too many dishonesties will result in accounts being deleted."

Mike says, "I will sign up and get paid."  He goes to use this restroom at this restaurant, whom he has an issue with this rude manager, mostly over the food and the condition of the men's room. He purposely gave that restroom a bad review, Mike got paid and the restaurant manager gets a visit from the health inspector.

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