Scenario 9

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In the early 1980s, inside this bar called Lester's, a local Radio Disc Jockey named Cedrick Parker aka Rod-Rum. He is inside the lady's bathroom there, engaging in sex with this young lady inside one of the toilet stalls. Rod-Rum is married with two children and the young lady, probably in her early 20s and she is not his wife. Rod-Rum, his trousers all the way down and the young lady, her mini skirt hoisted up with her panties off, standing-up, holding her both her legs up humping, with her arms around Rod's neck for support. They think are alone, but what they don't know is this chubby woman sitting inside another booth and they are in the end stall going at it. She is eavesdropping, giggling and being discreet along with the music in the background pulsating from the lounge area outside the restroom. The young lady is moaning "Oh Rod-Rum, give it to me! Ah!" And Rod responds with a, "Oh yea! It's Yucca-Yucca time baby!" The chubby woman is astounded and smiling, she knows it is Rod-Rum, by recognizing his voice and catchphrase. She also knows the young woman does not sound no-way like Rod-Rum's wife. She is the very best friend of Rod-Rum's wife and her name is Rita, they have been the best of friends since elementary school and Rita lives a couple of blocks from his house.

Two days later Rod-Rum is at a mall outlet, he steps out of this men's clothing store and Rita approaches him greeting, "Rod-Rum how-dee, fancy seeing you're out here shopping. "Rod-Rum replies, "Yes Rita, that's one of the things I do, when I'm not on the radio or being with my family. I like to buy fresh new attire. Now if you don't mind, I'm hungry and I am going to go right into that diner across the street and get me a bite to eat." Rita tells him, "Great I'll join you, your treat!" Rod-Rum replies, "Excuse me?" Rita replies, "I said, I will join you for lunch at that diner, at your treat and I don't eat cheap. Besides, I have something very important to tell you. Really important." Rod-Rum with his arms folded replies, "You have something very important to tell me, tell me now, what is it? What gossip about me, someone spreading another rumor about me, what is it? Spill it out!" Rita replies, "Well, since no beating around the bush, I might as well tell you." Rod-Rum replies, "Ooh, I can't wait, please-e-e tell me what's on that scattered brain of yours." Rita replies, "I will and after I tell you this, you be begging me to join you for lunch (Rod-Rum is shaking his head side-to-side grinning.). It's about your performance the other night at Lester's, inside the ladies' restroom. I was occupying one of the stalls when I overheard this couple getting busy having sex. The woman was moaning 'Oh Rod-Rum, give it to me! Ah!" and the dude sounding like your replies, 'Oh yeah, Yucca-Yucca time baby!' (Rod-Rum grin is turning into a frown not uttering a word) You know divorce and separation are not cheap in this town, along with child support. I looked beneath the stalls and I saw the guy with his pants down wearing a pair of Clarks, the same ones you have on right now. So, how do you want to do this Rod-Rum (smiling). I'm hungry!" Rod-Rum is speechless.

Later, Rod-Rum is at the diner with Rita. She is enjoying her free meal at his expense. He is nervously pondering; it is not his first time his wife found out about his cheating ways and he is on probation.

In the aftermath, Rita never told his wife about the affair. Rod-Rum for the next couple of months, behaving as a loyal hubby and dad, ending his extra-marital affairs. Years later, Rod-Rum and his wife divorce, after he achieves success as a national personality jock, having a syndicated radio show.  He married another woman and are still together.

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