Scenario 64

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This short story is from my previous book of: "My Collection of Short Stories" This story has been re-edited.

On the inaugural day at Carver Middle School, two 8th graders named Josh and Chris entered the boy's restroom on the second floor. Inside, Chris remarked to Josh that although the restroom had been freshly painted, its features remained unchanged. "Well, well here we are Josh old buddy, and finally we're the seniors and I notice nothing change, especially in here with still no doors in front the toilets." Josh says while using the urinal, "yep, but this year we get to pick on the sixth and seventh graders." Chris finished at the urinal, at the sink in front the stalls washing his hands, "You know that!" As they look out the window and talk, Josh tells him, "We got Mister Moore for math this year, my brother had him when he was here and he told me what a mean prick he could be." Chris replies, "We got Misses Marsh for English and I heard stories." Josh replies, "Oh no, Misses Marsh, the queen of detention, awl man!" Meanwhile, a small sixth-grade student walked into the boys' restroom, Chris tells Josh, "Here is our opportunity." They watched the 6th grader enter the first stall, putting the seat down ignoring Josh and Chris, he lowered his pants down to his kneecaps sitting on the toilet, leaning forward letting out a sigh of relief along with a quick fart. Josh and Chris, stunned, watched the other laugh before walking over to stand in front of the kid. The kid looked up at them, then back down at the floor, disregarding his two upper schoolmates, the kid continued sighing, grunting and let out a plop. The boy sits upright, grabs some sheets of toilet paper from the large roll nearby, and wipes before standing up, pulling up his pants, and flushing the toilet. Exiting the stall, he goes to the sink to wash his hands and then dries them with a paper towel while Chris and Josh watch his every move. Chris asks, "Hey." The kid got his attention with Chris asking, "where you from kid, I never seen you from around here." The kid replies, "I just moved here with my family from Montana and my name is Eton." Chris replies, "Well Eton from Montana. My name is Chris and this here is my best friend Josh and we'll both live in Brooklyn most our lives and what you just done in that stall, might be considered normal back in where you are from, but here we find it weird and gay." Eton asks, "What do you mean?" Chris replies, "Coming in here taking a dump on a toilet with no doors in front of for privacy, especially in front of us." Josh says, "Yeah!" Eton replies, "What is so weird and gay about using a toilet, I had to poop and pooping is normal." Josh replies, "Yeah, but we usually prefer doing it at home or in some bathroom with more privacy, not here at school where other boys can see you on the toilet." Eton replies, "Oh I see, then it must be normal here to watch other boys on the toilet pooping, back where I am from, we find this behavior very creepy and perverted, along with loitering inside restrooms." Chris and Josh are shocked and speechless as Eton leaves the restroom, giggling. They exchanged glances until the school dean, making his rounds, opened the door. He says to them, "Chris Richards and Josh Morgan, that because you two are in the eighth grade now, do not immune you two from being on time for class, let's hop-to it boys. And loitering inside the boy's bathroom is what I called poor judgment of where to cut class and hide out at, especially on the first day of school." Josh says, "We're going to class sir." Chris says, "Yeah!" The school dean says, "Good decision boys!"

" Chris says, "Yeah!" The school dean says, "Good decision boys!"

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