Scenario 91

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On a Saturday morning, a teenage girl named Rachel is at home, in the bathroom, taking her usual morning shower.  She is in the bathtub with her waterproof earbuds, listening to her favorite tunes. After she is done, she turns off the water, drying herself off with her towel and exiting the tub to the sight of her maternal grandmother, Vera sitting on the toilet with her cell phone in her hand, using. Rachel is fuming, asking her, "Grandma, how did you get in here, the door to the bathroom was locked." Vera replies, "I know, I had to pick the lock, so I can use the toilet to take a crap and plus, you were taking a long time in the shower! Child, cover yourself up, standing in front me naked." Rachel puts her robe on mumbling to herself. Vera tells her, "Speak up, I can't hear you."  Rachel looks at Vera and says, "Nothing!" Still upset, she leaves the bathroom, opening, and closing the door.  Her grandmother, wondering what's her problem was, continued playing a game on her phone, saying, "Kids, these days!".

Downstairs in the kitchen, Rachel dressed tells her mother, "Mom, we need to talk." Her mother asks, "Okay, what is it?" Rachel tells her, "It's grandma Vera, she entered the bathroom using the toilet while I was in the middle of taking a shower, mom!" Her mother is laughing and Rachel tells her, "It's not funny mom and she was taking a dump. She also told me she picked the bathroom lock to get into the bathroom, mom!  What if I was on the toilet and she picks the lock to get in, mom?"  Her grandmother enters the kitchen telling Rachel, "You are still bellyaching, because I came into the bathroom during your shower to take a crap. If it makes you feel better, I apologize, I'm sorry! You can feel free to use the toilet while I'm in the shower. Remember we used to take turns using the toilet in front of each other." Rachel, bewildered tells Vera, "I was a little girl."  Rachel is fuming and walking away, her mother and Vera are laughing. Her mother asks Vera to refrain from picking the lock to the bathroom door just to get inside the room. Vera mentioned she knocked and she was in urgent need to use the bathroom. Rachel's mother understood and she's also convinced Rachel to cut back on her shower time, while Vera is staying with them for a short time. Rachel understood, she decides to ask her grandmother before she takes a shower, if she needs to use the toilet.

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