Scenario 98

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At his grandparents' home for the weekend with his cousins, smart-aleck 9-year-old Rodney boldly tells his grandfather, while they are in the living room, "Grandpa Paul, I heard you in the bathroom farting and doo-doing all loud on the toilet."  His cousin around his age, Anthony, listening and laughing. His grandpa Paul laughs, responds, "You're funny, a real comedian. Funny this morning, I overheard you in the bathroom straining and grunting all loud on the toilet, trying to get that doo-doo out of you."   Rodney is speechless, Anthony is laughing out loud and his grandfather leaves the room shaking his head, laughing. Rodney asked Anthony, "What are you laughing at, always forgetting to flush the toilet and still wearing pull-up diapers to bed."  Anthony tells him while laughing, "I can't help it, you know I have a bedwetting problem." Rodney tells him, "So, get your butt out of bed and go to the bathroom. Stop drinking water before going to bed and flush the toilet after you finish shitting." "What you said?" His grandfather re-entered the room asking a nervous Rodney, "The next time I hear you cursing.  I'm going to give you something to get angry about (stern face), do I make myself clear? " Rodney nervously replies, "Yes, Grandpa!"  Rodney pouting, sneers at Anthony and Anthony giggles at him, while they continue watching TV.

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