Scenario 13

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The summer of 1976 was a memorable one for the scouts of Troop 323, at the River Mile Campsites. Their troop master, Porter, had a keen eye on them, especially on Leon, who always had a sweet tooth. One morning, before they started eating breakfast, Porter addressed his troops. "I hope you all slept well and are ready for the day. And Leon, I hope you didn't eat too many sweets, son." The patrol leader, Carlton, chimed in. "Yeah, he probably ate a whole bunch of candy by himself last night." The others joined in the teasing, while Leon tried to defend himself. Porter continued, "Leon, yesterday, I walked into the latrines and saw you sitting on one of toilets with your pants down eating on a candy bar." The laughter grew louder, but Leon shrugged it off. Porter said, "Listen, Leon, I'm not trying to be mean. I just want you to be healthy, enjoy camping and learn new adventures. How about cutting back on the sweets a little bit? We don't want you earning a badge for getting sick at camp." Leon nodded and said, "Okay." Then they all sat down and ate their breakfast.

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