Scenario 63

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When Jimmy Tate was eight years old, he had his first weekend stay at his Grandmother Hazel's house. He recalls that memorable moment. He remembers, "My Grandma Hazel had this extraordinary talent of seeing right through anyone, no kidding and she could easily tell if you sleepy, hungry, lying, naughty or nice, kind of like Santa Claus. She should have been working for the CIA or the FBI. I'll tell you; it was in the spring of 1981 and it was a moment I will never forget. It was the first time I spent the weekend at her house and it was also the first time I took a shit in anyplace but in my bathroom at home. It was involuntary. That moment happened when me, my grandma and my two cousins Bobo and Alice were in the living room watching TV, we were stuck in the house and we could not go outside because it was raining hard outside. We were all joking around and playing. I was feeling gassy, needing to go to the bathroom and doodoo, I remember when I would never doodoo anywhere but at home. I kept fidgeting, hoping to avoid the inevitable. The bathroom door does not lock. and I was afraid of being seen sitting on the toilet. I was trying my darndest to wait 'til I got home, when suddenly she ordered me to get off her plastic covered sofa and go to the bathroom! Yeah, I remember her plastic covered chairs. She loudly told me, 'Jimmy I said, get up and take your behind in the bathroom, sitting there acting like you don't need to go'.  I got up and used her bathroom with the rubbery cushioned toilet seat. I just went into the bathroom, standing up, letting out drops of piss inside the toilet bowl. As soon as I exited the bathroom, I flushed the toilet and washed my hands. She shocked me by telling me, 'You're not finished. You couldn't be done that quick. Take your behind back into that bathroom and sit back down and don't get up 'til you're really finished. I can still smell you from here and I know you don't want me to take you into the bathroom to make sure you go.' Bobo warns me, 'She will!' Instead of challenging her, which would have been dangerous to my backside back then, I went back into the bathroom and this time, I sat down on the toilet trying to push, which I managed to squeeze one out. I was totally shocked when she opened the door to the bathroom telling me while entering, 'Oh, you embarrassed, because I see you sitting on the toilet boo-booing. I came in here to see if you're okay, I heard you in here straining and good grief child, whew. We got to do something about this, Jimmy.' Of course, she was going to criticize me for funking up her bathroom and I was gassy, what stunned me more was her telling me, 'Get up and let's see what you dropped in the pot.' I forgot my grandmother was a nurse, I got up off the toilet with my pants still down and she inspected telling me, 'That's all you push out; I got to give you something for your tummy. After I was done using her bathroom, she gave me an Ex-lax, which I thought was candy; had me really going, constantly running to the bathroom. She was something else. Overall, I always like going to her house. I ought to call her and check on her." Jimmy dialed his grandma's number on his mobile phone. As soon as she heard the ringtone, she answered the call. They had a delightful conversation and she was happy to hear his voice.

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