Scenario 69

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One evening a woman, Zelda her beau, Aaron is entering her apartment after going on a date at this restaurant. Zelda and Aaron have been going together for over a month. Zelda tells Aaron, "I be in the bathroom." Aaron tells her, "I'll be in the living room listening to the stereo" Zelda goes into the bathroom to sit on the toilet and urinate.  Aaron is in the living hoping him and Zelda will get busy making love and have sex later that night. Zelda exits the bathroom; they talk and Aaron goes into the bathroom, taking a seat on her toilet letting out a load. It's not his first time, he and Zelda's keep things real between them, including his acknowledgement of Zelda's estranged husband, Eugene, he is in the process of serving a long-term prison sentence. Zelda and Eugene have been married for seven years and he refused to let Zelda go, refusing to sign the annulment paper, he went to prison five months into their marriage.  He must know about Zelda involvement with other men during his incarceration. Eugene has been in and out of jail since he was a teenager and Zelda always tolerated his thuggish behavior.  He also would love for Zelda to conceive a child with him, hopefully a male child. The door to the apartment opens, Zelda is shocked, because it is Eugene and he was released from prison due to some technicality. Eugene announcing, with a big grin on his face and duffel bag in his hand, "Honey, I'm home!" Zelda is speechless and at the same time, Aaron is still in the bathroom using the toilet with his pants down to his ankles watching some viral video on his phone. Zelda tried to ask Eugene about his release, he tells her, "Later, I got to go to the bathroom and do something I haven't done in a long time, without the presence of others around me."  Eugene opens the bathroom door and he notices Aaron sitting on the toilet. Aaron is shocked and Eugene angrily asks, "Who the heck are you?" Eugene checking Aaron strongly, he begins rubbing his chin about to like what he sees, wanting to smile telling Aaron, "You must pardon my intrusion, dude, I didn't know anyone was in here, I'm Zelda's hubby Eugene, I don't know if she told you much about me and I just got out of prison. I didn't mean to startle you. I'll just stand outside this door and wait my turn".  Eugene leaves and closes the door slowly eyeing Aaron, licking his lips still enjoying what he sees and Aaron still is stunned, he is also leery of Eugene's true intention towards him, making him feel uncomfortable.  Eugene did not say anything to Zelda.  Aaron exited the bathroom.   Eugene continues eying Aaron, sizing him up and down, liking what he sees, before he enters the bathroom, then closing the door.  Aaron and Zelda talk and they agree it's best he leaves. Feeling disappointed, Aaron leaves, ruining his chance of getting laid. Him and Zelda keep in touch, agreeing to be friends.  Eugene is glad Zelda is alone and feeling upset on the inside, because Aaron had left.

Later, Eugene finally signs the annulment paper and move on, feeling he is unable to satisfy Zelda, he wants happiness for her and plus, Zelda caught him masturbating to gay porn shown on her desktop computer.  Leaving Aaron and Zelda to have a steady relationship.

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