Scenario 30

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At an extravagant party within a luxurious mansion, a driven young executive in his twenties, named Efrem, is present to represent his firm. All attendees are enjoying themselves, in a lively atmosphere filled with music, dancing, and an array of food and drinks, with a particular emphasis on alcoholic beverages, along with other entertaining activities. Efrem enters one of the bathrooms to urgently urinate and before he could shut the door, this horny couple named Brad and Dina enter the bathroom hugging, kissing, and laughing. Efrem is trying to get their attention, wanting them to leave. An older guy, Ted, enters the bathroom with his coke ready to sniff and he talks with the couple. Efrem could not believe this while standing directly in front the toilet bowl needing to go, telling them, "Excuse me folks, hello (got their attention); I have to use the toilet." Dina tells him, "So, go ahead! Don't let us stop you!" Ted asks him, "What's the matter, you need to drop a deuce-ee? Go ahead, sit down, and let it out sport." Brad tells him, "Yea, we don't hold back here at these parties, (looking at his name tag) Efrem." Efrem says, "No I don't have to do that, that if it any of y'all business. I want to pee and I prefer peeing alone, if y'all don't mind leaving and besides I don't know anyone of you." Brad tells him, "Well Efrem, my name is Brad, his name is Ted and her name, Dina (making their introduction). Now that we know you, go ahead and pee Efrem. Let it go kid; pee, pee, pee, (rooting him on) pee; pee; pee; pee" Ted, Dina along with others entering the bathroom joining in rooting him on, "PEE; PEE; PEE..." Efrem is confuse, figures he might as well, raising the toilet lid along with the seat up, urinating with others cheering him on and then they go back to what they were doing. He flushes the toilet and after he is done, going to wash his hands while doing so, this pretty young lady around his age entering the bathroom with her BFF, she tells Efrem, "I have to pee also." As she sits on the same toilet, Efrem used and she smiles at him, he smiles back exiting the bathroom saying to himself, "WOW! That's a moment I will never forget!"

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