Scenario 97

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I decided to change this scenario to something else. This scenario is about watching a prune juice commercial on television, featuring a wholesome family of 4 at breakfast time, drinking a glass of prune juice, before eating.  The father is lecturing to his preteen son and daughter on the importance of maintaining health and staying regular.  The mother tells the viewers, "Hi, my family and I believe in staying healthy, fit and regular.  That's why we a drink a daily glass of prune juice daily before we start the day.  The father adds while taking a sip, "I drink me a glass before going to the office." One of the kids adds, "Before going to school." Another kid adds, "Keeps me regular and in shape."  The family drinking their glass of prune juice with the mother adding, " great for you and your family!"  The whole family is smiling at the camera.

In reality; a family of 4 is at the breakfast table, the mother is about to pour each a glass of prune juice, before their meal is served. The father is talking to his preteen son and daughter on the importance of maintaining health and staying regular. The girl says, "No thank you, mom! I passed!" The son adds, "me, too! Mom, is it possible if I can stop drinking prune juice before going to school.  It's kind of humiliating having a bowel movement in the boy's bathroom at school.  Bad enough, they reserved a stall for me with my name in front." His mother and his sister holding back their laughter. The mother asks her husband and he tells her, "Not today honey, I have an important meeting with an important client this morning and the last thing I need is to use the men's room during negotiating."  The mother totally understands as she is the only person drinking the juice.

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