With a mysterious smile he says, "I know everything..."

"I don't want to ask the same things one more time. That takes too much energy and I'm tired and sleepy, so tell me what I want to know."

"Aizawa-sensei I thought you had more patience. How are you a teacher... Oh wait... I guess you're not since you did expell your class last year."

The pro hero stiffens and glares at Izuku, the latter merely giving an innocent shrug.

"How do you know that?"

"I already said that I make it my job to know everything. That's how I know that your quirk isn't working." Izuku says.

The pro hero stands still in silence for a moment before asking, "Well..."

Izuku stands up and brushes the dirt off his pants. (i just want to say that he has a hoodie and that's what's covering his brilliantly white hair. i forgored to write that earlier 💀)

"I got to go and do my own stuff." Izuku says, "Oh, I heard that you're the one whose capturing all the vigilantes in this area?"

The hobo looking man nods and Izuku smiles a cold smile, "Well, you're not catching this one."

With that moody speech that Izuku enjoyed, he does a flip off the roof of the building. There's a gleeful smile on his face as he falls.

Gods he really liked this feeling of falling.


Aizawa freaked out, he thought that Akari was some sort of villain that was commiting suicide to avoid jail time or something. Who knew what villains where thinkning in general. But as he raced to the edge excpecting to see a dead Akari splattered on the concrete floor, he doesn't see anything. Just the vigilante running away with a grappling hook slowly retracting into the vigilante's suit.


Izuku was having fun, this was the most emotions he'd felt in a long time. Well, that was a lie since earlier in the day his house had burned down. There were some emotions there. But these emotions were one of exhilaration. 


Aizawa had to catch that vigilante. It was his RESPONSIBILTY as a hero to catch that vigilante.

With a tired sigh, he races off the roof and starts spider-man swinging after the hooded figure. He really needed more coffee for this sort of job.


Izuku was running, running, his sides were burning and he was struggling to breath properly. HE LOVED IT. The scenery was flying by in a blur. The houses, apartments, and buildings where all old looking but as Izuku ran by them, he felt satisfied that he'd managed to help them slightly. 

Continuing to sprint, he manages to doge Aizawa's capture scarf and within moments of the chase, he manages to lose the older hero. 


Aizawa knew he lost the vigilante when he lost sight of the vigilante.

It was simple. What you can't see, you can't catch. 

With another heavy sigh the tired man heads back to the police department.

The city was quiet and the rooftops empty as of the norm and Aizawa was able to get back ot eh Police Department quickly. (this place where Izuku is covering is large, still part of tokyo tho, so pretty tall apartments and such idk i just thought u needed to know that). 

With a swoosh the automatic doors opened and Aizawa entered. He was immediately greeted by a cat officer who was shoved a coffee into the tired man's hands. 

"What are you doing out so late nya?" Officer Sansa asks the other man.

Aizawa raises his eyebrows, an important technique he had learned when he was teaching, "What are you doing here so late?"

"Fair point, nya." Sansa said as he lead Aizawa to Tsukauchi's office.

This police department had a close connection with heroes and so it wasn't uncommon to see heroes wandering the halls of the department. The recent outbreak of vigilantes around Tokyo had lead Aizawa being called in to capture these people. Well not outbreak anymore, since Aizawa had caught all the vigilantes.

No, he caught most. All until tonight when a new one showed up. Akari.

Fuck you Akari. Aizawa thought, Just when I thought that I was done with all this, just when I thought that I could get a night of rest... YOU GO AND SHOW UP?! I want to retire. Fuck you Akari. 

The door to Tsukauchi's office clicks open drawing Aizawa out of his thoughts.

The tall man with short dark hair looked tired too. But not as tired as Aizawa though. Aizawa was proud to say he was the winner of that contest.

"You caught another one?" Tsukauchi says but after he sees Aizawa's mad look and coffee untouched in his hands, the detective knew immediately. 

Yes there was a new vigilante. And no, Aizawa the pro of the pros couldn't catch him. Hence the mad look. The new vigilante must be good. Good enough that Aizawa had forgotten to drink his coffee.

This was going to be a problem.


Meanwhile Izuku was wandering around town. He had been heading home when he'd come across a small group of villains trying to break into a convenience store. That had been easy to deal with. A quick call to the police department and his signature light stick and glow in the dark writing with his vigilante name on it, and those villains were taken care of.

It had been a long day. Izuku decided as he headed home, he would get a rest.

Izuku was dead. Akari was alive. 


(1529 words)

Hoped you liked it... :)



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