Chapter 52-Not my dream

Start from the beginning

"Do you work with the Yakuza?" Nezu asked izuku who looked around before answering.

"Well I do pay them the protection money they ask of me. But it's gone to good use cause they do keep the punks out." Izuku laughed as he scratched his neck.

"That's highly illegal!" Tsukachi said as izuku raised an eyebrow.

"You do know which part of Shinjuku this is right? Kamurocho is just a few blocks away from here and you know who operates in these parts. If I don't pay, then I die." Izuku explained before continuing.

"And don't get me started with the police doing illegal stuff. May I remind you of the prime minister scandal? Or how about when the police department worked with the Yakuza to embezlle money." Izuku retorted.

"That was a long time ago!" Tsukachi said as he clenched his fists.

"Doesn't mean it didn't happen. You're not setting a good example for us blue collar workers either." Izuku explained as tsukachi got angry, but he detected a lie.

He looked at aizawa and nezu as he nodded.

"You're lying." Nezu said as izuku was confused.

"About what?" Izuku asked confused.

"About the blue collar part. It wouldn't be a lie if you were refering to us, but you were refering to yourself." Tsukachi said with a smile as izuku frowned gritting his teeth.

"We got him..!" Tsukachi said happily internally.

"Right, I'm not a blue collar worker if I pay the Yakuza protection money or own a business." Izuku said with a sly smile as tsukachi detected no lies in that answer as they sighed.

"Why would a doctor come to Japan and start a coffee shop is my question?" Aizawa asked as tsukachi nodded.

"After facing death itself and laying in a pool of my own blood. I asked to myself. Is being a doctor what I really wanted to do? Sure I wanted to help people being quirkless and all. But wasn't there more to life than just helping people? I know it's a bit selfish, but I guess I'm just experimenting with my life till I find something that makes me happy." Izuku said as all of them looked at him confused.

"What...?" Izuku asked confused.

"You're... Quirkless?" Aizawa asked as izuku nodded.

"Yeah, is that a problem?" Izuku asked with a glare as they shook their heads.

"One last question then." Nezu asked izuku who looked at him intensely.

"Is Ivan your real name?" Nezu asked izuku who shook his head.

"It's... Hmm.." izuku stopped as he stroked his chin before looking at aizawa and nezu.

"Well?" Tsukachi asked izuku who looked at him.

"Can the detective please leave?" Izuku asked tsukachi who looked confused.

"Why? You have something to hide?" Tsukachi asked as izuku shook his head.

"To you, but not to them. It's about time anyway." Izuku asked confusing the two heroes.

"Then I'm not leaving." Tsukachi said with determination before being shut down by principal nezu.

"Please wait outside detective. We'll continue the interrogation from here." Nezu said as tsukachi was shocked.

"You're giving into the suspects demands!?" Tsukachi asked confused.

"If he tries anything I'll stop him. Besides he's quirkless so don't worry about the building getting destroyed." Aizawa said as izuku scoffed at the last part.

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