Chapter 89 - Down Time XXIII

Start from the beginning

Nagisa visibly relaxes, before taking a sip of tea, which only calms her down more. "Have you... spoken with Mika since...?"

"No, and that's not for lack of trying." I explain. "The idiot's been turning me away every time. Next time she does, I'm gonna go in and talk to her regardless."

The angel giggles softly. "I'm sure that will surprise her greatly."

I smile in return. "I dunno why she's been turning me away... Maybe she's still blaming herself?"

"Who can say?" She says. "Neither of us can see into her heart."

"Nothing's stopping us from trying, though." I retort.

Nagisa blinks, before smiling again. "I suppose that's one way to look at it... You're such an enigma, Sensei. Even in my paranoia, I couldn't expect what you would do next."

I shrug. "I'm used to brute-forcing through problems if I can. Though, that comes in many forms."

"Such as going to talk with Mika, despite her wishes?"

"Exactly." I nod. "So what's the plan with her anyway?"

She sighs deeply. "There is to be a disciplinary hearing for her after the Eden Treaty is signed. Until then, she is to remain in confinement. But, with the way she's acting..."

"She's trying to avoid going?" I guess.

"Maybe. I can't be certain unless I ask her, and I don't want to take that risk." She explains, taking another sip of her tea.

We go back into silence once more.

"Ah. I almost forgot." She realizes. "I offered food, but neglected to mention it."

I blink. "I had forgotten about it too." I say, looking at the food on the table.

"Have you eaten already, Sensei?" She asks.

"Nah. Went on a little trip with Hifumi and Azusa during lunch." I explain.

"A trip?"

"Azusa came by after Hifumi texted me about a big Peroro plush in a claw machine. Azusa came along with me." I explain.

"Ah, I knew Hifumi was interested in that franchise." She remembers.

"So is Azusa." I say. "I know a bit of how it was for her over at Arius, and those plushies seem to make her inner child break free for once."

"...Is it truly that bad there?" Nagisa hesitantly asks.

"Azusa didn't act over militant for no reason. If anything, she seems to be an outlier of their students, as she hasn't given up hope of living a happy life." I say, causing Nagisa to cringe. "Hey, don't feel bad. You couldn't have known how bad it was for her. I'm pretty sure she's already forgiven you, yeah?"

"She has... That girl has a strong will, but is nicer than I had expected from the supposed 'ice Queen' others described her as." She says, a wistful smile on her face.

"Those people don't even know what her eye color is and they call her an ice queen?" I scoff. "Buncha sheep they are."

Nagisa softly chuckles. "Perhaps."


"Ah, I'm hungrier than I thought." I say, hearing my stomach growl at me.

"Let us eat, then." Nagisa smiles.

Our talk devolves into mundane things as we eat. I left the Tea Party's balcony a bit later in the afternoon.


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