Chapter - 19

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I know I told Father I would bring two maids, but...

I don't want to. Whether I take two maids or one maid doesn't matter. 

Two knights or one knight makes a difference though. I will be better protected with two knights then one. 


"I think I'll wear this to the festival what do you think Marie" 

"It's absolutely stunning Milady. It seems everything goes well with Milady"


"Marie are you planning on going to the festival In that" I said as I pointed to Marie's dress which was her usual maiden dress.

"Oh.. well I don't really have anything else to wear and no one will be worried about me" Marie said nervously.

"Marie.. I will pick out a dress for you" I said with my bossy tone.

"Oh no, Milady, I really don't need It" Marie said.

"Hush Marie.. You aren't going to the festival In your maiden outfit. It'll seem as If you are there to work for me and you will be there to have fun along side me. So like I said, I will pick out a festival themed dress for you" I said while I strutted over to my wardrobe to search for a dress for her.

"Yes, Milady"

I'm sure they'll fit her as me and Marie have the same build.

"boom, a perfect dress" I said as I pulled out a green dress.

*After Marie gets dressed*

"Marie, this dress really suits you well, but something Is missing"


"Your hair silly"

Marie has perfect long red hair and I'm sure she takes care of It well because her hair Is so healthy. 

Per Marie's request I put her hair In two side buns.

"Thank you, Milady" Marie said as she looked at her self In the mirror and moved her hands down her dress.

I slipped on my Hellen Ivy disguised then gathered up my two most trusted knights to head off Into the carriage.

*Couple minutes later*

"Wow" Marie said memorized by the festival going on outside our disguised carriage doors.

There would be no point In the disguise If we arrived In the Lotus Duchy carriage. 

The sight of the festival was indeed a perfect sight to see. I'm glad Marie told me about the festival.

*I'm sorry I'll stop the chapter here for now as I'm not really feeling well. I'll try to finish It off tomorrow when I'm feeling better*

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