"Ah, Shinso. Finally, you're up," Izuku greeted, taking a seat beside the hospital bed.

"Boss?... Where am I?" Shinso asked, looking around in confusion.

"In the underground clinic. Gotta say, you took a beating before you decided to fight back," Izuku remarked, perplexing Shinso, who noticed he was covered in bandages.

"Huh!? Wait, does this mean I failed?" Shinso inquired, worried.

"No, you passed. And your demonic blood activated on its own too," Izuku revealed, pointing to a black marking resembling a sun on Shinso's chest.

"Is that a tattoo? My dad's gonna kill me!" Shinso exclaimed in fear, but Izuku reassured him.

"Relax, that's just your clan's symbol," Izuku explained, leaving Shinso puzzled.

"My clan? What's going on?" Shinso asked, even more bewildered.

"Relax, sleep-deprived! It means we know where you're from," Griffon chimed in as he emerged from Izuku's side, startling Shinso and making him jump back in fear.

"What the—" Before Shinso could scream, Izuku swiftly punched him on the head, silencing him.

"Shut up; it's already loud out there as it is," Izuku hushed him, and Shinso heard voices outside the clinic.

"Sir, please explain what's going on!" Shinso asked, rubbing his head, and Izuku nodded.

"Well, after you hit that red beetle demon in the face, the blue one got pissed and began to beat you down. Afterwards, you went berserk, and your demonic blood activated, and you killed the demon along with its friend," Izuku explained, leaving Shinso shocked.

"I... Killed them? I only remember stabbing the red one, and then... Darkness," Shinso said, and Izuku nodded.

"Yeah, that's what it looked like," Izuku said, showing Shinso a picture he had taken. Shinso looked amazed.

"Yeah, pretty cool, right. But..." Izuku said, confusing Shinso.

"Doesn't look like it fully activated," Izuku continued, leaving Shinso puzzled.

"Not fully activated? What do you mean?" Shinso asked.

"Normally, your healing should've kicked in right after you fainted, but it didn't. If I didn't bring you here, then you would've died from blood loss," Izuku explained, and Shinso was shocked.

"So that's why I have these bandages on me," Shinso realized, and Izuku nodded.

"By the way, this little shit is called Griffon. Say hi, Shinso," Izuku said, picking the bird demon up and putting it in front of Shinso.

"H-hi?" Shinso greeted, a bit bewildered, as Griffon pooped on Shinso's bedsheet, causing Izuku to yell at him and Shinso to recoil because of the smell meanwhile Griffon laughed.

"That bedsheet is expensive, you asshole!" Izuku yelled at Griffon, who kept laughing.

"Sorry, kid, but that's how I greeted his clan back in the day!" Griffon said, still laughing. Shadow, in panther form, swung its claws at Griffon, who flew up, yelling at Shadow.

"Oi, watch it! Why do you care anyway!? I didn't do it to you this time!" Griffon protested as he flew around, dodging Shadow's swipes. Izuku sighed, annoyed.

"Fenrir," Izuku said, nodding to break up the fight.

"Sorry about him, he's kind of a menace," Izuku said, removing the bedsheet as Fenrir grabbed Griffon by his neck and Shadow by his scruff, stopping the fight.

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