Chapter 88 - Down Time XXII

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"What are you writing?" I ask, looking at her fully.

Noa merely smiles again. "See? This is why records are so important. We just talked about what I'd record, and you've already forgotten."

"I haven't forgotten." I deadpan. "What is there even to write? There's nothing worthwhile even happening."

"What makes an even worthwhile is up to an individual's judgement." She said explains. "It's a secretary's job to keep objective records of all the events, so that nothing is unfairly filtered by subjective biases."

I raise an eyebrow in curiosity.

She goes along with it. "For example..." She looks down at her book. "Nine-fifty six-thirty three - Joshua Sensei stretched during work and yawned for three-point-three seconds, rounded down."

I raise the other eyebrow, impressed. I remembered yawning a while ago.

"Nine-fifty nine-twelve - Joshua Sensei saw his cup was empty and refilled it from the coffee machine. It was Stellabucks Signature Blend." She reads off another entry.

She even noticed what kinda coffee I used? And yes, Stellabucks. There's even a knock-off one of those here.

"Ten-three-fifty six - Joshua Sensei noticed a bird landed right outside of the window. He glanced at the bird for fifteen seconds before returning to work." It was a pigeon.

"I'll admit, I'm impressed, but what's this even the point? It all seems kinda pointless." I ask.

"As I said before, it's not a secretary's job to judge the worth of the records." Noa reiterates. "These are records of your actions as seen by an empty mind. As seen by MY mind, however... It seems to be an incredibly ordinary daily routine, which might be valuable to someone who wants to understand you or your work." She then smiles, slyly. "...Maybe even valuable to be sold at a high price."

"I HIGHLY doubt that last bit." I deadpan. "So... So you're just gonna keep doing that?"

"Of course, I can't simply stop." She chides. "If I altered the records or the act of record-keeping itself, the neutrality of the accounts would be compromised. Ah. I almost forgot to record what you said a moment ago." She says, going right back to scribbling. "Ten-twelve-fifty five - Joshua Sensei asked Noa to stop recording."

"Really?" I deadpan, before groaning. "Do what you want." I wave as I turn back to my desk.

Noa titters. "Thank you for understanding. Okay, Sensei, please keep me out of mind and focus on your work. As I keep saying, I'm just a secretary making sure reality doesn't slip by us."

So, I went back to working.

"Hehehe... This is quite fun."

...while doing my best to ignore Noa's occasional comments that she muttered. Damn my super hearing.


After Noa left, I got a text from Pina.

Hello! I just wanted to say hello, Boss!

Long time, no see, Pina.

And you're still calling me Boss, huh?

Hehe, of course!

We talked for a bit more before agreeing to hang out over at Hyakkiyako. But right after, I got another from Saya.

Sensei, it's Saya! Can you come to my laboratory for a bit?

Sure, I've got stuff to do later though. What's the occasion?

We have a serious problem over here!

Blue Archive - Story of Joshua SenseiOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz