47. Saved The Day.

Start from the beginning

"Karan! What are you doing here?" Sahni asks.

"He was following you." A stranger says as I try to overcome the pain, "And looks like you have something for me right there, Sahni."

"It is nothing." Sahni says, his voice sounding scared.

"Really. But it looks to be something very important. I always had my suspicions about you. That you were hiding something against me especially when you behaved so smugly. Now I know." The stranger says.

"Please forgive me. It was to keep me safe." Sahni says, almost begging.

"I will forgive your transgression because I need you for my plan. But only if you hand over that drive to me." He says, and somehow I find the voice familiar now that the pain subsided.

"Sure, sir." Sahni says.

Before he could hand the drive over, I jumped at him and took it from him but before I could take another step, I was pushed to the ground then my hand was pulled behind my back even though I struggled hard. I almost cry out in pain when my head is forced back and finally see the stranger's face.

"I am so disappointed in you, Karan." Gagan Lohana, CMO of Malhotra Company says, "You have so much potential and yet you wasted it all to serve Shaurya. If only you had taken my bait and put that man behind bars, you would be ruling over the Malhotra Empire beside me. But you didn't and here we are, contemplating how to kill you and make it look like an accident."

"You! You are behind all of this?" I ask, still not believing.

"Well, I am smarter than I look, Karan. Drive." He says and his man takes the drive from my hand and gives it to him.

He crushes it under his feet as I shout in protest, "No!"

"There... Now the last piece of evidence is gone and I am safe again. I wish I could talk more, Karan. But I don't have time. I have to prepare for the takeover. Tie him up and burn this place. After I became the owner, I would build up a nice auditorium here where I could finally have a dance with my future wife." He says.

As he starts to leave, my phone rings and he orders his men to take my phone away.

"Puffy Princess!" One man reads, "Who is that?"

"Must be his wife. Haven't you seen her? She is hot. Maybe after he dies, I can get a chance." Another man says with a wicked glee.

"Sure, you will get a chance." I say with a smile, "To die by her hands."

He punches me with a force that I fall and the other man says, "Let him go. The boss will see what needs to be done with this call. We need to set this place on fire before anyone gets wind of it."

I spit out the blood and the next moment I am getting dragged to a metal post with another man carrying the rope. As they drag me, I snatch a piece of glass and hide it under my sleeves.

They start throwing petrol everywhere but not on me as Gagan is smart to know that postmortem would prove I was intentionally set on fire and that would get the police to investigate but the ropes around my chest won't.

With an evil smile, the men leave after setting the place on fire. As soon as they are out of sight, I take out the glass piece and start cutting my ropes. From what I heard, one man was holding my phone and talking to Siya about a few minutes ago.

"I know you will be here soon, Siya. I trust nothing would stop you from saving me but don't be a fool and come here. Please. Because I would be fine." I send out a silent prayer as I try to free myself.

I finally freed myself after ten minutes of struggle. Would have done it quicker if not for the blood pouring out of my fingers and making it difficult and slippery. And not to forget the uncomfortable heat around me.

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