65th Chapter: Together we are One #2

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Max spins around with a smile while Jonathan takes pictures of her, her and Jonathan being in the main corridor of the wedding venue building, the Crystal silver chandelier almost shinning up the large corridor, the floors being a sparkly white with the black walls.

"Amazing Max! Come on do more poses, we are hanging these pictures up in the reception room." Jonathan says, him continuing to take more pictures.

Lucas smiles at her while his shoulder is leaned on the wall, his hands in his pockets while he looks at her. She smiles brightly as she spins again, the bottom of her dress flowing softly from her action, her red and black sparkly crown still on her head as well as her gold wedding veil behind it.

"Okay Lucas come on." Jonathan motions.

Lucas smiles as he goes over to Max, seeing how she excitedly jumps up and down while she holds her hands out for him, Lucas taking her hands and going to give her a soft kiss on her lips.

They begin to take various amounts of pictures in various amounts of poses and positions, both of them smiling in every single one.

"Perfect!" Jonathan smiles. "Okay I'm going to print these out then we'll put them up in the frames then hang them up in the reception room. I'll call you guys and tell you all to stand by the door when you guys are about to be announced."

"Okay. Thanks Jonathan." Max smiles at him.

"Thank you Jonathan." Lucas nods.

"Of course, congrats you guys. Beautiful ceremony." Jonathan says before he walks away.

Max squeals hard as she jumps up and down, her going to give a big hug to Lucas, him hugging her back. "The ceremony was so beautiful! You're beautiful! I mean handsome very handsome!" She rambles making him laugh. "I love this suit! And you smell so good! Thank you thank you thank you I love this!"

Lucas smiles more as she hugs him again. "Wait until you see the reception."

Max squeals more in response. "I can't wait."

"They just have to put the pictures up then announce us." Lucas says, him bringing her in closer. "Until then..." he says while cradling her face and going to kiss her.

Max closes her eyes softly, her going to kiss him back just as softly and tenderly as he is kissing her. After a minute they both pull away for breath, her closing her eyes with a soft smile when he kisses her forehead softly.

"You look divine Max." He tells her. "Max Sinclair, that has a nice ring to it yeah?"

"It does." Max smiles, her head tilting to the side as she looks aimlessly up. "Max Sinclair."

"Maxine Sinclair." Lucas smiles.

"Hey don't make me slap you at our wedding." Max points at him, Lucas just laughing in reply.

"Why do you hate being called Maxine so much?"

Max thinks about the question, her eyebrows furrowing a little bit. "Honestly I have no idea." Max admits, Lucas just shaking his head with a smile. "Hey don't look like that! I don't know it just makes me irritated every time someone calls me it. I was about to slap the priest but then I realized he was the one marrying us plus I was to enthralled in the moment so."

Lucas chuckles softly, him taking her hands and going to hold them. "You look so damn good Max."

Max smiles more at him. "Lucas your words they...they meant so much to me, so much."

"Your words meant so much to me too baby." Lucas pulls her in closer, their foreheads going to rest against each other's. "It meant so much."

"This is beautiful." Max tells him softly, her eyes going to slowly close. "Actually beautiful is to generic of a word, it was glorious."

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