22nd Chapter: The Dark Side

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Sam's knee slowly begins to stop rocking, him being seated in the waiting room chair in a exhausted leaned back position, his head slowly going down a hanging position before his head comes back up, him repeatedly beginning to doze off.

"Sam how about you go get some sleep?" Hopper suggests. "I can let you know if we hear anything."

"My wife and daughter are currently in surgery right now. You think I'm thinking about fucking sleep?" He looks over at Hopper.

"I know, you just look exhausted." Hopper tells him, Sam just turning off and looking ahead of him, his knee rocking once again.

"I am going to run to get you some coffee okay?" Joyce says, Sam just still looking ahead of him while Joyce leaves out of the hospital.

"Any word on where Lucas is?" Nancy questions.

Hopper looks down at his phone, him going to shake his head. "No, so far nothing."

"Dammit." Nancy curses to herself.

Holly paces a little bit, her looking down at her phone when it rings, her picking it up and putting it to her ear. "Hello—"

"Hello! This is the Indiana State Prison. You have a call from—"


"To accept this call please press one, otherwise please press two."

Holly presses one, her going to go through all of the prompts before she puts the phone to her ear. "Mom?"

"Hey baby." Karen answers. "I heard Susan got hurt is that true?"

"Yeah she's in surgery, it looks promising for her though."

Karen breaths out in relief with her eyes closed. "Thank god. I also heard about Erica and Max. How are they doing?"

"Well..." Holly starts with a shaky voice, her trying to fight back her tears. "Erica was stable at first but then she went into like...cardiac arrest or something like that and now she's back in surgery and Max she's....they say it's not looking good."

Karen closes her eyes with her hand over her mouth. "Who the hell is responsible for this?"

"I don't know." Holly shakes her head. "I just need for them to be okay."

"They're fighters, they have to be okay." Karen replies. "How are you? It terrified me when you had to fight that X-Eye alone."

"I'm fine." Holly replies. "I'm just waiting to receive news."

"No I know sweetie."

"I'm sorry." Holly says. "I'm sorry it took me so long to come see you in person. Me seeing you on those videos and...trapped in a chair made me realize that I missed you, and I don't want to loose you mom."

Karen smiles softly. "I don't want to loose you either sweetheart."

"I'm sorry you had to go back there."

"It's okay. I'm at peace knowing my kids are okay."

Holly nods a little bit, her going to wipe her eyes while closing them. "I have to get back."

"Okay, just call when you can."

"I will, love you mom."

"Love you too."

Holly hangs up the phone, her looking as Robert as well as four different doctors come inside of the hospital. "Robert?"

"Hola amigos." Robert smiles.

"Robert?" Nancy questions.

"That's me." He nods.

"Who is he?" Robert looks.

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