60th Chapter: Expressing Appreciation

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Lucas opens the door to the mansion, him letting Erica Max and Holly come inside before closing and locking the door behind him, Amaya being asleep in Erica's arms.

"Why in the hell is it so cold in here?" Holly questions.

"Because the cold air gets rid of germs unlike hot air." Lucas replies.

"Plus it makes it easier to go to sleep at night." Erica adds in.

"Or you both are weird and like being frozen into popsicles." Holly shrugs.

"Trust me you get used to it." Max responds, her yawning while she stretches out. "Alright I'm off to the shower. Goodnight guys."

"Night." Holly and Erica both reply.

"You going to put her to sleep?" Lucas questions.

"Yeah I am." Erica replies.

"The room across to the left three doors down I made into a nursery room that way one can be both upstairs and downstairs." Lucas explains.

"So I guess that means I am on nursery duty tonight?" Erica questions.

"Yes." Lucas smiles at her. "But you can let me know if you need any help."

"I will. Thank you." Erica says to him.

"I might also help you out depending on what time it is. But most likely I won't be any help at all since I uphold no baby experience." Holly shrugs.

"Yes Holly thank you." Erica replies.

Lucas chuckles a little bit. "Goodnight you guys."

"Night." Holly and Erica say at the same time.

Lucas makes his way inside of the large room of him and Max's, him closing the door behind him. He hears the shower water coming from the bathroom, some of the steam in the bathroom already coming out of the bathroom.

He goes to take off his swim trunks, putting them neatly in the hamper before going in the bathroom, him opening the door to the shower and going behind Max, his arms going around her.

Max leans back on him with her eyes closed, her hair having shampoo in it. "I might be awhile in here, since I always shower long after being in chlorine filled water."

"That's okay." Lucas tells her, him going to kiss her neck softly.

Max smiles softly from the action. "What's the surprise in Cuba? Is that all it is?"

"No." Lucas replies. "But a surprise is not meant to be told until you see it. But you'll love it, I promise you that."

Max smiles more. "I can't wait to see it."

Lucas smiles against her neck while he softly kisses it. "Surprises to come Max, I have so many for you." He whispers against her neck, going to kiss it softly. "So many."

Max leans more on him, feeling her whole body relax against him. "Spoiling me I see."

"I sure am." Lucas replies. "Are you tired?"

"No not really." Max responds.

"Mkay." He replies, him kissing her cheek softly before he pulls away, him beginning to bathe.

Max turns around to face him, her arms going around his neck, both of them going to kiss each other softly and tenderly.


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