2nd Chapter: The Queen of Red and Black

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The music plays loudly in the large ballroom while all of the lights are a LED red color, giving off a completely ambient and illuminated vibe in the large room, everyone dancing as sexist as they can because of the feeling of sweaty hot bodies against them as they dance, alcohol going through their system and encouraging their moves, looks of piercing gazes stirring up confidence.

But the want of letting go of all troubles and sorrows and missing her friends is Max's drive to just dance and drink away, not to much because she knows she has to ride back on her bike.

Max holds her arms up as she lets her body sway to the music, her hips moving back and forth in a low waving motion, her smiling as she dances with Will, her arms going around his neck as they both dance, the others dancing around them as well.

"Yo happy graduation to all of my seniors!" Xavier exclaims over the microphone making everyone cheer and clap out loudly. "Now I want to give a special shout-out to the gorgeous fine and sexy Queen of red that finally decided to show herself around these city parts...Max Mayfield!"

All of them cheer out loudly while Max goes to do a dramatic bow, her standing up and going to fan her face lightly while smiling, going to blow a little kiss as well.

"This girl is badass and has her own Business self defense gym Redness and Black, showing all of these women they can be complete bosses!" Xavier exclaims making all of the girls cheer more loudly. "Plus she single now so imma shoot my shot! This is for you Max!"

Max smiles more when Acquainted by The Weeknd begins to play full blast on the speakers, her holding her hands up and snapping them with approved nods, her beginning to dance as soon as he begins to sing.

"I love this song!" Jane exclaims out, all of them beginning to dance slowly along with the song.

Max continues to dance while her eyes go to close, her head going back as she begins to dance more sensually, her slowly going down in a crouching manner while moving her hips, everyone around her cheering loudly with smiles, her hand going through her ginger and black hair as she slowly comes up, her beginning to move her hair all around as she feels down herself.

"Damn Max how about we save it for the room?!" Xavier smiles as he comes over to her.

"Xavier still trying huh?" Max smiles at him.

"Come on stop teasing me." Xavier comes closer to her.

"Hey no she's mine tonight!" Will tells Xavier, him lifting his eyebrows in confusion as well as Xavier. "I meant that in the most platonic way. I like the same gender she does it's just that I haven't seen her for four months so....Yeah she's mine tonight."

"All night." Max makes sure to say. She looks over Xavier's shoulder to see Erica by the drink station, Erica eyeing her while drinking her drink. "Give me one quick second."

"But wait." Will pouts.

"Just a second I promise." Max clasps her hands together before turning off, her going to walk over to Erica.

Erica puts down her drink as she sees Max come over to her. "Max." She acknowledges. "I knew sooner or later you were going to come over here."

"Let me guess." Max starts, her leaning her hands on the drink table, her standing across from Erica. "Your big bro told you to keep eyes on me?"

Erica shrugs a little as she drinks more of her drink, her going to put it down after a minute.

Max scoffs while shaking her head. "How about you tell your boss if he wants to keep an eye out on me, tell him to keep his own eyes on me." Max leans closer to say. "I'll make sure he can see me all night at this party. You can do that right?"

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