14th Chapter: Getting Training

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                 (May 2024 - Before Graduation)

"Alright we want to release all of that energy hit the bags!" Max instructs, her in her Redness and Black uniform while the girls in front of her hit their punching bags over and over, rotating in different positions. "Your dominant foot being positioned in front of you, your body turned to the side slightly to give your blows more force. Good job!" Max nods, her hands being on her hips as she walks around, observing everyone.

"Hey Max I am off!" Cassidy tells her.

"Alright Cass, I'll see you later." Max says.

"See ya! Romano should be here in a minute!" She calls out. "Go girls! Girl power woo!" She cheers before leaving out of the gym.

Max shakes her head with a smile, her smiling and looking over her shoulder when Hillard kisses her cheek, his arms going around her. Max turns around to face him. "All packed for Michigan?"

"Yeah all packed." He replies.

"How long are you going to be there?"

"Just a few weeks." He answers, him pulling her in closer. "Are you going to miss me?"

"Hmm am I?" She smiles, her arms going around his neck. "Of course I'm going to miss you."

"You better, because I am going to miss you too." He says.

Max smiles more, her going to kiss him and him going to kiss her back, him humming a little when his phone goes off, him taking it out and going to look at it after they pull away. "Your mom and dad must be super pumped to see you."

"Yeah they are but this is the newsfeed!" Hillard smiles. "Oh nice they caught one of the Eat the Rich guys."

Max's eyebrows furrow a little bit. "Did you just say Eat The Rich?"

"Yeah those killers that have been going around the city." Hillard says, him handing her his phone. "Looks like Connor Bail was arrested today."

Max takes the phone, her seeing the video of how one of the cops rips off his X mask revealing his face. "There's more than one?"

"Yeah, they've been around everywhere." Hillard takes his phone back. "Nice to know the cops are slowly catching them. Yeah there were some found in New York city, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, Honolulu, and Denver. There was one found in Hawkins where you came from right?"

"Yeah Josephine." Max answers.

"Yep, crazy ass cult." Hillard shakes his head. "I'll see you in a few weeks okay babe?"

"I keep telling you I hate pet names." Max says.

"See you babe." He smiles, going to kiss her cheek before leaving out of the gym.

Max looks down at her phone, her going to pull up the newsfeed and her eyebrows furrowing a little bit. "You gotta be shitting me." She sighs out.


                 (May 2024 - Before Graduation)

Max sits at the station in the prison, the door being seen opening and the prisoners all beginning to sit at their stations and pick up the phones and beginning to talk to their visitors.

Max picks up the phone and puts it to her ear when Connor goes to sit down, him looking at Max in confusion before slowly picking up her phone. "Hello Connor Bait." Max says.

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