40th Chapter: Riding it Out

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Something Max has never really imagined doing when it came to sex, but it is something she has become damn good at.


She's had to use her fair share of toys whenever her and Lucas broke up and she needed a orgasm, her motions becoming almost angry because she craved the orgasms Lucas always gave to her but she could never achieve them like he could. And whenever her and Hillard hooked up don't get her wrong, it was good times but just not the same as the times of her and Lucas, causing for her to be in control of the night when it came to them hooking up.

So now...

It has become a talent for her.

Max's freshly done nails trail a little down Lucas's chiseled chest, loving the feeling of his trimmed hairs against her hands. His back is leaned on the headboard, his legs being spread out on the bed while Max is on top of him, her grinding motions starting off slow, her hand going to slowly run through her hair, both of their skin glistening with sweat.

It is a cooling down moment for them, Lucas just getting done practically fucking her into the bed an hour ago, him letting her get a little rest before they went back at it. Max's head goes back a little bit, her hips doing a nice and slow circular motion before going to and fro, her repeating that same motion while he is inside of her.

Lucas groans against her nipple, his hands being on her sides. His tongue flicks against her nipple at a quick pace, her head slowly going back with one of her hands being on his broad shoulder, her other hand at the back of his head. He lightly plays with the gold belly button piercing that she wears, his tongue tracing and dragging over her red vulture tattoo on her chest, the vulture's body being drawn in the valley of her breasts and the wings being seen on her breasts and more on her chest.

His mouth latches onto her nipple, his tongue beginning to flick against it while sucking it. Max breaths softly, her hand slowly going through his hair as she grounds herself more against him, her hips beginning to move to and fro against him.

Max goes to bring him in for a kiss, Lucas hands going to her ass while her bottom slowly goes up and down against him, him slapping her ass hard making her breath against his lips, her purposely clenching herself around him while slowly moving against him.

Lucas groans in her mouth, their foreheads being rested against each other's, Max looking down at Lucas while he looks up at her, her body moving in a waving motion while moving slowly against him.

"Damn you do that so good." Lucas leans back more against the headboard, her hands resting on his chest. His hands rest on her thighs as she moves against him, her knowing exactly how to position and move herself against him.

She arches her back to send her hips back, her clenching herself against him before bringing her hips back closer to him then gyrating her hips in a steady pace. The deep groan of satisfaction she receives from him makes her continue the pattern, her hands resting on his chest as her tongue slowly drags up the front of his neck, his head leaning back as her tongue makes it to his chin, her going to kiss him deeply, her head tilting to the side.

His hands slide down her hips, going to her ass and him going to slap it again, Max motions beginning to become faster. He leans his head back while his legs spread more, Max's arm going around his neck while the other stays on his chest, her motions beginning to become faster.

"Goddamn." Lucas grits out, his hand slapping her ass again before going to the sheets. He doesn't know what she does but she perfectly clamps around him making him twitch in excitement, her hips moving in such sensual but flowing motions and her energy being quick, hips moving from side to side, circular motions, up and down forward and back, all different kinds of variations and patterns.

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