28th Chapter: Silver Linings

238 13 47

(September 2024 - Another month later)

"Okay you guys we are finishing up assignments 3A and 3B on your modules. Make sure to use your digital book as a cross reference to fill in the guided notes as well. It needs to be submitted at the end of class today it counts as a major grade towards the semester. Also remember that benchmark testing is happening next week to see where you are."

Will sits at his desk while he looks aimlessly ahead of him, his green and red mini laptop being in front of him, him paying no attention to what the teacher said nor the assignment on his laptop.

He looks down at his phone, him clicking on Susan's contact and going to message her.

Will: Can I come visit Max after school?

Will looks back up a little while he rocks his knee a little bit while looking around, seeing the students either working on their assignments or them on their phones behind their laptop screens and talking to each other, the teacher being on their laptop typing away.

Will looks back at his phone when it dings, seeing the message from Susan.

Susan: You know you don't have to ask that.

Susan: You are welcome here anytime.

Will smiles softly, him liking the message before he opens the one from Romano.

Romano: Don't close yourself off, talk to me if you need.

Will: I just really don't want to be here.

Romano: School is important.

Will: 🙄

Will: Don't sass me.

Romano: But I made you smile tho

Will smiles softly, him going to message him back.

Will: No smile here.

Romano: Lies you tell.

"Will!" The teacher scolds, him looking up at her. "That is the upmost time this week I have seen you on your phone."

"Literally everyone else is on their phones don't even try me with that." Will waves off, the whole class going into a fit of ooooo's.

"Class stop." The teacher says, her turning back to Will. "Yes Will however they are turning in their assignments from yesterday and the day before but you haven't."

"Yeah well try having your best friend in coma then you can tell me if you're able to keep on top of things." Will angrily shuts his laptop and goes to put it in his backpack, him putting his backpack straps over his shoulders. "I'm out of here."

"Go Will!"


"Will this is your third time leaving if you leave through that door you are suspended!" The teacher calls out.

"Suspend me then I don't give a fuck." Will calls out.

"OHHHH!" The class all scream out with smiles, them cheering Will on as he walks out.

Will leaves out of the school, him going to get in his car and drive off, him going over to the hospital.

Susan squeals highly while she jumps up on Sam, Sam spinning her around while hugging her tightly.

"Oh my god this is amazing!" Robin squeals along with Vicki.

"Max." Nancy smiles.

"Guys this is so good this is so good!" Joyce smiles. "I'm so happy to see smiles on you alls faces."

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