61st Chapter: Giving Farewells

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Lucas and Max lay in bed together, Lucas being laid on his back with Max on her side, her leg and arm being over him, him holding the blunt that they are smoking together in between his lips, him closing his eyes as he inhaled deeply, Max taking the blunt from his mouth when he exhales.

Max chuckles softly as he slowly blows the smoke in her face, her going to put the blunt in her mouth and inhale, her going to blow the smoke on his face, him just smiling with his eyes closed.

Max holds the blunt in between her fingers while she goes to kiss him, him kissing her back as he pulls her in more closer, her soon going to get fully on top of him while kissing.

Max pulls away as she leans back, her going to sit up. She raises her head up as she puts the blunt in between her lips, her inhaling and her going to blow out the smoke in the air, her laughing when Lucas yanks on her shirt to pull her back on him, her front going against his.

"I like getting high on mornings." Max smiles at him.

"Not to high." Lucas reverses the positions, Max just smiling with her eyes closed.

"Yeahhhhh." She drags out.

Lucas laughs at her, going to take the blunt from her and smoke a drag, him going to blow the smoke on the side of her neck before he kisses down the side of her neck.

Max closes her eyes and tilts her head to the side as he does so, her just sighing in pure content, her opening her eyes and looking at the time, seeing that it is ten in the morning. "We should probably be going on and getting up?"

"Or we can just stay here for a few more minutes." Lucas says, him giving the blunt to her that is almost out.

Max takes it, her going to take a long drag out of it, her holding it in her smoke for a little bit before blowing it out. "We have busy filled days, plus I'm really hungry and I'm craving some breakfast burritos."

"Are you going to make the ones you do so good?" Lucas questions.

"Or you can make them since you know the recipe." Max pokes his hard chest repeatedly.

Lucas groans with his eyes closed, Max laughing while she continues to poke his chest. "It's better when you make them." His nose nuzzles in her neck.

"Fine you big baby I'll make them." Max says while scratching his back.

"Keep doing that." Lucas tells her, his arms wrapping around her more.

Max smiles, her kissing his cheek as she continues to scratch his back, both of them continuing to smoke the blunt as they pass it to each other after each smoke.

Erica lays asleep in the bed, her just slapping her hand over her forehead when she hears Amaya crying from the baby monitor once again, her slowly rolling herself out of bed and going to fall on the floor, her just groaning to herself before going to stand up, her putting on some simple night clothes before leaving out of the room.

She goes to the nursery room, going over to Amaya's cradle and picking her up, Erica just rocking her while she cries, her head going to lean on Erica's chest.

"What's wrong? And I know it isn't your diaper because I literally just changed it." Erica says, Amaya continuing to sniffle while her head is leaned on Erica's chest. "Hungry? Yeah maybe you're hungry."

Erica leaves out of the room, her going to make her way downstairs and go over to the kitchen, her seeing Holly in one of her shirts and some shorts, her back being turned to her as she looks in the fridge, her taking out a bottled water.

Holly shrieks as she turns around and sees Erica on the other side of the counter. "Jesus Christ you scared me! Why are your foot steps so quiet?!"

"Faba." Amaya babbles, her head still being leaned against Erica's chest.

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