48th Chapter: Valentine Deliveries

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              (February 2025 - Few weeks later)

Max slowly puts on her mascara on her top and bottom lashes, her being in a red romper that comes to her mid thigh, buttons being at the front middle of the romper, her wearing black pantyhose and red closed toed boots, her shoulder length hair being curly with her black streaks in them, her having a part down the middle.

Lucas goes to stand in front of her with his hands in his pockets, his arms going around her and him giving her a kiss on her cheek, him going to lean his chin on the top of her head while she finishes her mascara, her going to put her lip gloss on.

Max looks at him through the mirror while she puts her things in her purse. "You look exhausted Lucas."

"I'm okay." Lucas says back.

Max turns her front to look at him. "No you're not that bitch keeps keeping you up with her...woman that cried baby pleads ever since you gave her that emergency button."

"It's February her due month, I have to make sure something is in there to alert me when she goes in labor if I'm not looking at the cameras." Lucas says.

"Yeah but she's abusing that." Max says, Max sighing out while closing her eyes. "I know you have a plan with this but I just hate seeing you so tired, so anxious and worried."

"I'm okay." Lucas hands go on her sides. "Trust me I know she's abusing it, but I have to make sure every single moment that alarm goes to my phone for my sister."

"I know." Max nods. "I just wish I can slap her is all."

Lucas smiles softly, him going to step closer to her. "It's nothing to worry for." He says before going to take a red square box out of his pocket, him going to hand it to Max. "Happy Valentine's Day."

Max smiles, her going to open the top of the box to see two red shiny long dragon rings, Max smiling more as she looks at them. "Okay these look damn good, thank you Lucas."

"You're welcome." He replies, him watching as she puts both of them on her middle fingers.

"I got something for you too." Max says, her going to leave out of the bathroom and go to their room, her picking up a blue and pink tie-dye colored theme binder and going to give it to him. "A memory book. You can put all of Amaya's pictures, drawings that she maybe does or other things in there to keep the memories. That way she can look back at them and you and Erica can too, let her remember a good childhood she is about to have."

Lucas smiles down at the binder book before looking back up at Max, him sending her a genuine soft smile, Max smiling back at him from the smile. "Thank you Max." He smiles down at it. "Wow this is great, why didn't I think of this?"

"Because you're under stress." Max's arms go around his neck. "Why don't you just ask Ashlyn to stay over here and actually gage and see when she goes into labor?"

"Because I already asked them to stay here for four months when we were away I can't ask that again." Lucas shakes his head. "Plus they both are working so I'll be okay."

Max sighs a little bit. "Well...at least the next few days are expected to be bad snowy weather so we'll get time out of school, so I can be here with you, make you dinner." She scratches the back of his neck. "I'm going to make you a nice dinner tonight, whatever you want."

"Mkay." Lucas responds, him going to bring her in for a soft kiss, Max going to kiss him back. "Drive safely and slowly, the snow is piling up on the streets and it's sleek out there too."

"I will." Max replies. "I love you."

"I love you too baby." He responds, Max's hands sliding down his hard chest. "What do you want for lunch today?"

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