38th Chapter: Getting Away

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Lucas feels himself slowly beginning to wake up, him and Max falling asleep on the couch after getting their showers in last night and their things packed. The fire still cracks softly in the fireplace, Lucas arms being around Max while she is in front of him laid asleep on the couch.

He wipes his eyes a little bit, him feeling his head hurting lightly, that tightness still being in his head. He rubs his forehead a little bit, him going to kiss Max softly on her temple before he slowly begins to get up.

He covers Max back up, giving her a soft kiss on her lips before he goes over to the exercising room, him beginning to do his morning routine of working out.

Even though his head hurts a little bit he does feel better knowing that him and Max are going to a whole new place neither of them never been before, and it makes him feel even more better to know that it is outside of the US so they won't get that much recognition as they would if they went somewhere in the US, which means they won't get stopped and asked constant questions when they go out.

After he is done with his workout he goes to the bathroom, him going to take some headache medicine before going to shower, him going to wash and scratch through his hair as his head hangs low.

Max slowly begins to stir awake, her feeling for her phone when her alarm goes off, her going to look at it while dismissing the alarm, her letting out a little huff and pout while getting up from the couch, her just wearing one of Lucas shirts.

"Lucas?" Max questions, her going over to his room and to the doorway of the bathroom. "Lucas—"

Max's eyes widen a little, her seeing him in the shower, seeing how he turns around where she has a clear view of his side and....




He stands upright while Lucas washes his hair, him being so thick in girth and long in length. As much as she knows she needs to tear her gaze away and she probably looks like a freaking creep right now....

She can't tear her eyes away.

She sees how he turns the gear in the shower, most likely changing the temperature of the water to cold, her seeing how his hands go around his chest and stomach while bathing himself, him turning to face Max.

Max quickly hides behind the wall, her going to tip toe out of the room and go to the room across from his.

"Okay Max let's pretend that didn't happen." Max says to herself, her going to get in the shower and beginning to bathe, her going to take a everything shower. After she is done after a long time she leaves out of the shower, her going to moisturize herself before wrapping a towel around her waist, her looking in the mirror as she begins to comb her hair out while blow drying it.

She looks at Lucas through the mirror when he reveals himself behind her, him leaning his shoulder on the doorframe with his hands going in his pockets.

Max smiles as she turns around, her seeing how he wears black jeans and a gold shirt sleeved T shirt, the muscles straining the shirt, not by to much to where it is to tight on him but it is not to loose either, him being in black boots as well.

"Hell yes." Max smiles. "This is the first time in a long time I've seen you just dress casually."

"Yeah I didn't feel like a suit." Lucas shrugs, him going over to her, placing his hands on either side of her on the counter. "You smell really nice."

"Thank you." Max smiles. "How are you feeling?"

"Little of a headache but it'll pass." Lucas answers.

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