25th Chapter: Hiding things away

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The rain is hard against the window, the light thundering occurring in the sky as well as the lightening strikes in the sky. It makes the trees shake a little, sleet occur on the streets.

Lucas stands in Max's room, his rifle being down on the bed as well as his pistol, it being cleaned. He goes to put the last of his money in his black duffel bag, him wiping his tired eyes a little bit.

He looks towards the Satellite phone when it rings, him immediately answering it and pulling the small antenna up before putting it to his ear. "Erica?"

"Hello brother." Erica greets, her being seated up on the hospital bed, the lights being turned off in the room, the top part of the bed being up while she holds the Satellite phone to her ear, the light grey laptop being on her lap.

Lucas rubs his mouth a little bit while blinking a little more. "Hello sister."

Erica smiles softly. "I'm okay. You know me and you don't go down easy."

"Yeah." He softly smiles. "How are you doing?"

"I'm okay." Erica replies. "A few ribs broken and kind of shattered due to the injury so it means a longer recovery time, a month the doctor pretty much said."


"Don't worry it's full recovery." Erica assures, her looking through the laptop. "The good news and bad news about that is that getting through these firewalls is going to probably take just as long. As much as we hate our father, he was smart."

"Dammit." Lucas curses. "I was hoping it wouldn't take that long. What if some of Dustin's equipment was given?"

"Still the same amount of time." Erica replies. "I can get through it's just going to take a minute. Until then...you need to keep hidden."

"I know." Lucas nods.

"But I want to see you." Erica states.

"Erica I am not putting you at risk, you or Max." He says. "It'll have to be when things lay a little low, I can't come see you now."

Erica sighs a little bit. "Then soon Lucas, soon."

Lucas brings his head up a little bit when he hears a gun load from behind him, him going to sit there for a moment before turning around.

"Lucas?" Erica questions.

Lucas looks at Sam as he stares at him with a hard glare, his shaky hand holding the gun in his hand. Lucas slowly brings the phone away from his ear, him going to hang it up.

"Lucas?" Erica tries again, her looking down at the phone in confusion.

Lucas sets down the phone while he looks at Sam. "Sam." He acknowledges.

"You don't seem afraid for a gun being pointed at you." Sam comments.

"It's not the first time." Lucas replies simply.

Sam clenches his jaw hard. "You know...when you were a fugitive for the first time, I had a sneaky suspicion Max was hiding you out." He says. "I searched her wing but you weren't here. So either you left or you're just a damn good hider. Which I'm banking on the later, since you haven't been found."

"I still stand here right now, why am I not dead?" Lucas questions.

"Because I want to understand why." Sam begins to walk more towards him. "Why did you both break up? Did she find out about you? And don't you think you can lie to me Lucas because I swear to god....my wife and daughter are in a hospital bed, I have the damn guts." He grits out.

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