12th Chapter: Getting Things Started

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                        (April 2024 - 1 Month ago)

Max and Cassidy both fight in the ring, Max's short black and ginger hair being in a bun at the back of her head, her being in black volleyball high rise exercising shorts and a red sports bra, her toned body being displayed.

She punches Cassidy with her punching glove on her hand, giving her a quick punch to her stomach then another punch to her face, Max going to use her whole lower body to kick Cassidy in her stomach with both of her feet before using the momentum of her lower body to bring herself back up while Cassidy stumbles back.

Max dodges Cassidy's hit when she tries to punch her, Max elbowing her in the stomach and her arms going around Cassidy's neck before throwing her over her shoulder, Cassidy grunting as she hits the ground of the ring on her back.

Max turns when she sees Romano come into the ring, Max quickly dodging to the right and using her leg to to crouch down and spin her body around to swipe him off of his feet, Romano falling to the floor and Max landing a punch on him, him tapping the ground in finish.

Max looks over at Hillard as he makes his way inside of the ring, Max sending him a smile and him smiling back at her.

"Let's see what you got Max." He says.

Max goes to try and hit him, Hillard dodging her hit and tackling her, Max quickly elbowing his back and her legs going around his waist making him both go on the ground, her reversing the positions and her going to pin his arms down, her being on top of them.

"Pin." Max smiles.

Hillard chuckles. "Not bad."

"Wooo!" Cassidy and Romano cheer.

"Damn Max you are pro now!" Romano says.

"Sure am." Max says, her taking off her punching gloves while she is still on top of Hillard, her patting his chest before she gets up from him, Cassidy helping her up and Romano going to bell Hillard up.

"You're a quick learner Max." Hillard takes off his boxing gloves.

"I am aren't I?" Max smiles.

"We should celebrate." Romano smiles. "I know a club here we can go to. And since one of my friends works there he can hook us up with drinks! Who's with me?!"

"Hell yes!" Cassidy smiles.

"Yeah that sounds great? Max?" Hillard looks at her.

"Why the hell not?" She smiles, all of them going to cheer. "Speaking of which I have a surprise for you guys when we get to the club that I want to tell you guys about."

"Awesome!" Romano smiles. "I'll text you all the address! See you all there in an hour!"

"Sounds good."

"Max." Hillard starts while Cassidy and Romano leave out of the gym, them going to the backside of the gym and Max leaving out of the door, her going over to her RV. "When are you going to get a hotel or something?"

"Never, I like my RV." Max smiles. "Don't worry I'm safe it's gated around here." She motions. "I'm fine."

"I know but I still worry at night about you." Hillard says. "How about you stay with me tonight?"

"Is there some underlining meaning with that?" Max motions.

"No I promise it isn't." He laughs.

"Will there be cake?" She steps closer to him.

Hillard shrugs. "Sure, yeah I can get a cake."

"And cinnamon rolls?" She smiles, taking another step closer to him.

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