44th Chapter: Jingling Bells

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               (December 2024 - 1 month later)

Max begins to wake up, her sitting up and her going to wipe her eyes a little bit, her smelling breakfast being made. She smiles while she gets up from the bed, her doing her routine of brushing her teeth and washing her face before makes her way in the front parts of the RV where the kitchen and couch area is.

Lucas is at the stove making breakfast, him stirring the eggs in the pan. He continues to stir the eggs while opening the waffle maker when Max's arms wrap around him, her cheek leaning on his back. "Morning sunshine."

Max smiles with her eyes closed. "Morning."

"You sleep okay?" He questions.

"I did. Did you?"

"I did." Lucas responds. "Go on and sit at the table, you like waffles right? You're not a weirdo to where you don't like waffles?"

Max laughs while pulling her arms away. "I love waffles, I prefer them more than pancakes."

"I do too." Lucas replies, him going to kiss her on her cheek. "Syrup or no syrup?"

"Syrup please." Max answers while she sits down at the table, her looking out of the RV window, her smiling softly from the view. "What do you want to do today?"

"There are some buildings and landscapes I want to look at." Lucas says while he sets the plates down on the table. "With Christmas decorations, we can walk about and look at."

"Sounds good to me." Max says, both of them beginning to eat.

After they get done eating Lucas goes to wash off the plates before stacking them on top of each other, Lucas going to sit back at the table and take out his phone.

Max looks down at her phone when it dings, her looking at her notification.

(1) My King 😫☺️❤️

"Merry Christmas baby." Lucas says to her.

Max smiles at him, her opening up her message to see a link, her clicking on the link and her swiping through the various of amounts of outfits and shirts and jeans, jackets, robes, pretty much every single girl clothing known to man. "Umm...I'm a little confused. These look great but...they look like screenshots."

"That's everything that's going to be in your walk in closet or closets when we get back home." Lucas tells her.

Max's eyes widen, her looking back down at the screenshots, both of them being black and red clothes but him still getting her a variety of colors of things. "Oh...my....leopard!" Max screams out in excitement at the red leopard print shiny bag. "Oh my god! Oh my god! Eek!" She squeals in excitement, her going to straddle him and hug him tightly. "Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!" She squeals while kissing all over his face.

"You're welcome." He laughs. "When we get back we can hang it all up and everything, I don't want anyone other than Robert and Ashlyn in the house. Then you can see in person all I got for you."

"Did you get it from your contact outside of the US?"

"Sure did."

Max squeals highly while bouncing up and down on him in excitement, her clapping her hands in the process.

"No bouncing." Lucas hands go on her sides, him lightly patting her thigh. "You're gonna turn daddy on baby."

Max blushes hard while pursing her lips. "Sorry."

Lucas chuckles while he leans down, him putting a large shoebox sized square box down on the table, it being wrapped in red wrapping and it having a black bow on it. "Here." He pats the box. "Here's a little sneak peak."

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