Chapter 49- The Trial

Start from the beginning

"'may'? Use that with everyone else but me. I'm you're dad. I can be 'hip'" his dad laughed as Shinso continued.

"It's about my mother..." Shinso said as his dad stopped laughing.

"What do you want to know?" His dad asked with a serious face.

"Um... Who was she." Shinso asked his father as he remained silent.

A few more seconds passed by.

"Dad?" Shinso asked as his father remained silent.

"Why are you asking me now of all times?" His dad asked him as Shinso scratched his head.

"Something... came up." Shinso replied as his father raised an eyebrow.

"Like what?" He asked his eyes glowed blue.

"Please don't use your quirk on me." Shinso asked his father who sighed.

"Then why are you asking me now? You've never asked me before." He asked as Shinso nodded.

"Back then I had no reason to. But like I said something came up... Something different." Shinso said he lifted up his hand as his father's eyes widened for a split second.

"I'll tell you this. If you can get into UA hero course, business course or general studies. I'll tell you everything. But just know this Shinso what I might tell you may shatter your whole world apart." Shinsui said in a serious tone.

"Shatter my whole world apart huh? Feels like I've already done that." Shinso said as he left the dining table.

"Excuse me. I'm going to my room." Shinso said as he left the dining table leaving Shinsui alone as he sighed.

"Well, looks like your boy is growing up. Enough to learn about you." Shinsui said looking up at the ceiling as he sighed before cleaning up.

Next day: Evening-
As evening fell, Shinso arrived at the docks, following Izuku's instructions. Carrying a duffle bag filled with supplies, he checked his watch and noted that it was time. Soon after, Izuku appeared at the harbor with a small boat.

"Boss?" Shinso questioned, approaching the harbor.

"Oh good, you're here. Get on," Izuku instructed Shinso, who, despite his confusion, decided to board the small boat.

"Why do you have a boat?" Shinso inquired of Izuku.

"It's a rental. And we're gonna need it. Also did you get enough sleep?" Izuku replied.

"No, anyways Where are we going?" Shinso asked as Izuku started rowing away from the docks.

"That island over there," Izuku pointed to an island covered in trash.

"Why? That place looks filthy," Shinso remarked, repulsed, as Izuku nodded.

"It is. But that's where your trial will be and where we'll train if you do pass," Izuku explained to Shinso.

"I'm starting to think this was a mistake," Shinso remarked, glancing around at the vast ocean.

"You're free to leave anytime you want. I'll even take you back to the harbor if you want," Izuku offered, and Shinso sighed.

A few minutes later, they reached the island covered in garbage. Izuku secured the boat to a nearby pole to prevent it from drifting away.

"Follow me," Izuku instructed Shinso, and they disembarked.

Shinso trailed Izuku through the trash-covered isle until they reached a clearing surrounded by trees and discarded electronics. At the end stood a large pillar of junk, puzzling Shinso.

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