2.14.7 - Wise

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You have spent most of your time learning about mortals and teaching the peoples of Midragar with the knowledge of the ancients. Your ambition is to keep the rivers of knowledge flowing further and further. Your thirst for knowledge is only surpassed by your thirst for the blood of the Hemataint.

- Add +1 point in history or reading.


- Source of knowledge:

Mortals from all corners of the world seek your advice, drinking in your every word. Kings bow before your words. Gain +2 in connections or persuasion.


- Poet:

Your words are your trump card. Everyone delights in them, getting drunk on them like wine. You gain +2 in Charm whenever you speak.


- Presumption:

Your wisdom has turned into ego, so much so that you can't look at mortals as anything but children. Suffers a -2 Socialization penalty.

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