2.14.2 - Born Hunter

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Your focus is on killing Hemataints effectively and cleanly. After all, the purpose of killing Hemataint is to stop the evil they cause, not to harm Midragar as they do. After understanding that the reason for hunting Hemataint is to rid the peoples of Midragar of their corruption, your mission is to ensure that the Hemataint are annihilated in order to preserve pure life in Midragar.

- Add +1 point in leadership or connections.


- Battle companion:

You have a longtime faunamorph (mortal) friend who has helped you several times in the Hunt. This friend would die for you just as you would die for him. Thanks to the time they've spent hunting alongside you, this friend is an expert in all things Hunt-related and is always willing to help with another one.


- Royal debt:

After saving a kingdom from the influence of a Hemataint, the leader of a prosperous and charitable nation feels they owe you everything. Whether it's for freeing that leader, or removing a cultist so that another can take over, a powerful and influential person owes you a favor and is willing to do whatever it takes to pay it off.


- Hesitant:

It's not good to act without thinking, however, you think a little too much and end up missing the opportunity to act because of it. You must pass a Determination test whenever you take any active action in the Hunt.


- Battle Enemy.

Not everyone is grateful to have their Hemataints killed and when you do this for millennia, you're bound to make enemies. A powerful person has sworn revenge on you after suffering great harm from the death of a hemaculate.

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