Lore 7.1.5 - Notes

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Whenever a Chord is cast, symbols appear around the cast region. It could be from someone's hand or on the ground at a distance. Such notes reveal the Chord and the conjured tone.

Then it was discovered that if someone positions their fingers in a certain way in front of the face and sings the name of the desired Chord, it is possible to cast such a Chord from the hands. This method was called "Arsilan".

When a crystarcane or minerarcane is created, several cracks form across the materials. These cracks are shaped like the note of the Chord that originated the material.

You can use crystarcane powder to draw a note on a surface. This process became known as "mirror creation".

This makes the surface a Chord repeater. That is, when a Chord is used in proximity, the mirror casts the Chord on the surface that was drawn.

If liquid minerarcanes are used the process is called "seal creation". And the surface activates the effect of minerarcanes on the region when the corresponding Chord is cast nearby.

You cannot activate a seal with a mirror.

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