2.15 - Biography

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Conscious Time

The Pendragons were not always conscious of themselves. After the Fragmentation, they all became animals driven by the single desire to kill any and all Hemataint Lords. It was the Lady who gave each of them consciousness by forging them an Hematogear. However, it wasn't all resolved in one day, it still took many decades for each one to form their own personality.

Conscious Time is the measure used to define the age of each pendragon and does not change any aspect of the game mechanically, serving only for immersion.

Last Death

Every three centuries away from the Last Death, the Player can add an additional Remembrances to their character sheet, however, they gain a permanent point in Instinct. When they reach fifteen centuries, all the points are filled and the PC goes into a permanent frenzy until they are killed and thus resets this field.

For this reason, it is necessary to establish precisely how many years pass between each campaign, because if the same PCs are used, this data will need to be updated on the character sheet.


Pendragons are fantastic beings in every aspect. In beauty, ferocity, strength and power. It's impossible to look at one and not be amazed by the sight.

Pendragons, like the other fictional races in this booklet, were created to break away from the conventional and follow something more beautiful and stylized. Midragar's races are colorful and full of details that enrich their look, so don't hold back when describing your PC's appearance. Bring in colors, unique designs, details that make your pendragon your own.

Don't be afraid of the ridiculous, because everything in this universe is designed to be hyper-stylized and colorful.


A story tells a lot about an individual. The places they've been, the relationships they've had and what they've experienced tell you who they were and what they've become.

This field is for a brief description of the PC's background. The background you choose should be taken into account when writing, otherwise be creative but brief.

Pendragons, About beasts and mortals 0.1a (RPG)Where stories live. Discover now