2.7.3 - Mental Skills

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Tells you how much you understand about the manufacture, effect and uses of crystarcanes. You can recognize the different types of jewels, pinpoint when they were created and even trace the region by their quality. It also tells you how precise and flexible your use of crystallurgy is, and how to use the various effects to your advantage.


Determines how much of Midragar's history you can remember. Pendragons may have lived through the history of the world and participated in many events themselves, but it's very easy for everything to blend together and for details to get lost in their immortal minds, but you have learned to master your memories.


This encompasses all kinds of illnesses, treatments and remedies, as well as the experience to carry out treatments yourself. Pendragons may not be very good at healing, simply accepting their injuries until they kill them, but seeing Faunamorphs (mortals) escape death has always attracted their curiosity.


Covers all knowledge of the manufacture, use and magical properties of minerarcane alloys. These alloys can completely change the financial and war situation of a people, so those who know how to apply them can change the course of a civilization.


Determines knowledge of the High Sciences, from being able to read and perform calculations to debating philosophy, chemistry, biology, etc. Pendragons will need much more than learning to use cutlery if they want to show that they are more than beasts without a conscience.


Determines the ability to notice details in the environment, perceive strange movements and notice small changes in the environment. It is the ability to know the environment and the movements of individuals in it.


Determines your level of knowledge of the general politics of the Faunamorph (mortal) peoples. Which kingdoms are at war, who dominates which territory, who is the most powerful and has the most resources.


Dictates the knowledge of sciences that mix engineering and magic to create equipment. They can tell you how war machines work, how automata work and the devices used to level forests.


Encompasses all knowledge of the Chords of Creation. Each Arcane Realm, the properties of each Chord, the tones of each Chord and how they interact with each other and with the other fields of magic.

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