Lore 7.3 - Minerochemy

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The Alchemy of the Minerarcanes is much more scientific than the other systems of magic. Its focus is to create metal alloys from the mixture of metals with gems from the Arcane Rivers. That is, the newly collected gems of the geodes and not the refined Crystarcanes of these.

This system arose based on the chemical reaction that some metals on Earth present in certain scenarios.

Some metals gain one of three different properties according to the gem to which it has been mixed. Such properties range from an above-average resistance to the ability to store kinetic energy to the point of overload and then release in a shock wave.

It is also possible to use the blood of the Pendragons. This being the purest minerarcanes there is. The alloy will depend on the Origin of Pendragon.

The process of creating minerarcanes is simpler, but much more dangerous. It also indirectly needs the Arcane Rivers for the acquisition of gems.


It consists of grinding the pure metals and adding the exact amount of arcane gem to create an alloy. This creates a powder with magical properties that can be melted into ingots or mixed into a paste with oil to be used as paint.

With a very tight margin of error, any carelessness can create an extreme reaction. It's explosive most of the time.

Using metals that have already been mixed with others causes him to reject the yolk as water rejects oil. Trying to mix a minerarcane with any other material generates a very explosive reaction.

It is possible to mix a minerarcane with a crystarcane, however, there are only two known success stories. One of them is the alloys used in the weapons wielded by the Pendragons, called Excaliburs. The other case is the wings of the valkyr, given by the Pendragons themselves in case they themselves turn against Midragar. 

Alloys of Minearcane

The types of gems used in creating the alloys affects what properties they have. To use the magical properties of alloys it is necessary to load the metal with a chord.

Once charged, it is possible to use the entire charge at once and thus have a devastating effect for a short period, or spend gradually with subtle effects, but for a large space of time. An inversely equivalent ratio of power/time. More power, less time.

Once charged, it is possible to activate the effects of the minerarcanes by making a Arsilan gesture while in direct contact with the alloys.

Warriors who specialize in using minerarcanes in combat are called "Binders" (subject to change).

Kaytraz Alloy

· Sodazium allows you to project thoughts onto the face of the minerarcanes.

o For this it is necessary to charge the minerarcanes with Natural, then divide it into pieces.

o By conjuring Flat into one fragment it becomes a receiver of another fragment that is being activated by Sharp;

· Nicketist allows you to store thoughts and dreams in the alloy.

o Flat stores.

o Natural erases everything.

o Sharp transmits everything to anyone who is in contact with the minerarcanes. After this process the memories disappear.

· Titazúli creates a field capable of revealing the vibrations of Chords even after they have been used. Usually kept into a powder to increase the area of effect.

o Alterations do not affect this minerarcane.

Serador Alloy

· Chumartzo affects the gravity of a zone according to the charge of the Chord used nearby.

o The alterations have the same effect as in the Crystarcanes.

· Cobalta bends space at the magnetic poles. Obviously, this magnetizes the metals.

o Flat compresses the space at the negative pole causing any living being ahead to be pulled into the minerarcanes.

o At the positive pole the space is expanded causing any living being to be repelled from the minerarcanes.

· Galliquite alters the physical state of the minerarcanes.

o Flat transforms into a liquid state;

o Natural in solid;

o Sharp in gas.

Gelyatrak Alloy

· Tungluna can absorb and release the energy of a Chord;

o Flat absorbs a Chord at the negative pole;

o Sharp fires the stored energy in the direction of the positive.

· Coppelina links the minerarcanes to a Tourmaline. Simply activate one Tourmaline on the minerarcanes in which the entanglement is desired.

o Flat attracts the minerarcanes in the direction of Tourmaline;

o Natural traps the current distance between Tourmaline and Minerarcane, making it impossible to move one without dragging the other.

o Sharp drives the minerarcanes away from Tourmaline.

· Ferrarine creates a zone redirects any Chord that passes by.

o Flat attracts the Chords and attaches them to the negative pole.

o Sharp redirects the stuck Chords in the direction that the positive pole is pointing.

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