Lore 2 - Arcane Rivers

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After the fall of the celestial beings that created Midragar, the parallel dimensions surrounding the world began to overload with energy and opened fissures to let such energy escape. These fissures are called "Arcane Rivers."

These fissures drastically modify the local fauna, however, the environment is not so altered, because the energy of other dimensions does not interact with the natural elements of Midragar, only with living beings.

Arcane Rivers can arise anywhere, from a trench on the seabed to among the clouds. The environment does not determine which Arcanum River will arise. There may be fire on the seabed and ice in the desert.

When they open, it's as if reality tears like a flap of fabric. Energy flows through the center and at the edges magical crystals begin to form. These are used in Crystallurgy and Mineochemy.

Look chapter Magic System for more details (https://www.wattpad.com/myworks/336467601/write/1322973014).

Most of the economy revolves around the Arcane Rivers and any community that has access to one (with the materials to extract the crystals) becomes a military and economic superpower.

The gods usually find themselves close to them by using the energy to feed themselves and reach colossal sizes. If they are not close, they are always on the lookout. Some even lose their sanity in a constant search for more Arcane Rivers.

The Pendragons that make the regulation of these rivers, depleting and / or sealing them to avoid an imbalance in the ecosystem due to a fauna overloaded with magic. Obviously the High Don't look kindly on that.

Managing the crystal flow of the Arcane Rivers is a secondary goal during the sessions.

The Pendragons can also draw strength from the Arcane Rivers if their origin is the same as the River in question. 

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