3.4 - Crits

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Whenever a d6 rolls 6, two things happen. The first is that each crit nullifies a fumble. The second thing can be one of the following effects.

When an action that isn't an attack has a crit, the effect is more narrative than calculated in the mechanics. A door unlocked with a crit can open without any noise or be an instant action that doesn't take up the time of those in the scene.

When it comes to combat where two characters roll dice against each other, if one of them rolls a crit, this will cancel out a d6 of the other character they are fighting. From the highest value to the lowest.

For example, if a PC has 3 (three) successes and a crit and a NPC has 4 (four) successes, but no crits. The PC's crit will cancel out one of the NPC's successes, so the NPC has 4 (four successes) and the NPC is left with only 3 (three) and the PC wins the match.

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