2.3 - Motivation

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What drives your character besides the hunt? A promise made generations ago? An outrage at something you witnessed being done by the Taintedblood Lords? The simple pleasure of eliminating that scum from the face of Midragar? Whatever it is, it is of the utmost importance that it is well defined and must always be considered with every action taken by the character.

This is the most important field in the entire sheet, as it dictates the character's every action and guides the narrator when creating scenes. Motivation doesn't directly alter attributes, but it can penalize Players who fail Determination tests based on this field.

The things the Character does or refuses to do are determined by Motivation. All the Character wants is to follow what is described in this field and must avoid any action that deviates from this.

For example, if a Character, a Drake, is motivated by protecting a specific race of Midragar, the Harih, then whenever he is forced to do something that harms these people, he must conflict and refuse to do it. This creates a scene in which the other Characters need to convince Drake to act against his will or help him think of a way not to make him betray his principles.

Players will have to roll dice and try to overcome Drake's Determination with the Charisma or Threat attribute. If Drake fails this test, they will suffer a -1 (minus one) point penalty in Determination until the next scene involving a test with this attribute. This directly affects Control points which may not be enough to pass a future test and result in an increase in Instinct.

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