2.10 - Styles of Combat

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The combat styles are designed to emulate hack n' slash games like Devil May Cry in a turn-based game like Your Only Move Is Hustle does.
They were designed to be used in the Mortal Aspect in confrontations with chimeras and/or large groups of enemies in conjunction with the magical abilities of the armor.

Because these attacks are extremely destructive and have an immense range, using them against faunamorphs (mortals) is considered taboo. You wouldn't kill a chicken with dynamite, after all.

Each style brings specific techniques that focus on getting the most out of each Chord. They take into account the effort required to intone a note and which movements and attacks are best suited to each one.
Balancing is done by the amount of AP used for each technique.


This style aims to link together several quick attacks to overwhelm the opponent and create openings in their defenses with the absurd amount of movements.

Techniques used:

- Offensive

◦ Thrust;

◦ Lever;

◦ Splitstream;

◦ Smash;

- Defensive

◦ Revoke;


This combat style focuses on using simple Chords to amplify attacks to create devastating blows, but with quick recovery.

Techniques used:

- Offensive

◦ Streak;

◦ Ascension;

◦ Return;

◦ Split;

- Defensive

◦ Block;


This style of combat focuses on accumulating energy while looking for an opening in the opponent and then unleashing it all in a single powerful attack with the aim of annihilating him in one fell swoop.

Techniques used:

- Offensive

◦ Rupture;

◦ Scaling;

◦ Skewer;

◦ Guillotine;

- Defensive

◦ Dodge;


Combos are offensive techniques in sequence that cannot be countered with reactive actions, only by defensive techniques. As long as the Player succeeds in the tests, combos can continue indefinitely.

Combat Techniques

This system was inspired by SRD Lumen and features techniques that are specific blows for each style that can be spliced together to create combos or to defend against powerful attacks.

Offensive Techniques

Powerful blows that focus on achieving one of three objectives, causing a lot of destruction to a single target, hitting several targets in a group or completely annihilating an opponent.


This technique focuses on using the distance between the fighter and his opponent to generate momentum in an attack.

- The thrust quickly shortens the distance and leaves the fighter facing where they advanced.

- The streak is a spinning forward thrust that hits anything in its path and leaves the fighter with their back to where they advanced.

- The rupture is a ranged attack that uses the magic of armor to attack everything in a straight line in front of it.


A technique that launches the opponent into the air.

- A lever is an upward vertical blow that launches the opponent into the air with great speed.

- Ascension launches the opponent into the air and follows with a series of attacks.

- Scaling chants a Chord with the armetric at the opponent's feet and launches them into the air with magic.


A technique that throws the opponent backwards with great force and speed.

- Whirlwind is a vertical attack that sends the opponent spinning through the air.

- Return is a backward retreat followed by a powerful forward attack.

- Skewer concentrates a Chord in a narrow forward region to throw anything in its path.


These are blows made in the air that throw the opponent to the ground with extreme force.

- Smash is a downward blow that smashes the opponent against the ground.

- Split is a blow that rips the opponent apart and takes them to the ground.

- Guillotine throws a Chord above an opponent who is in the air and throws them to the ground.

Defensive Techniques

These techniques are aimed at getting the fighter out of danger. They can be blocking, dodging or striking techniques.


- Revoke returns damage or part of the damage back to the attacker while reducing the damage received. As if using the opening of the attack to counterattack while avoiding receiving the full blow, part of the damage is received by the fighter who uses the attack.

- The block completely nullifies any damage received while leaving the fighter immobile in place, but the attack must come from the direction in which the fighter's chest is facing.

- The targeted dodge negates any environment penalty and places the character in a favorable location, as long as it is a direct attack and not an area attack. It is also necessary to have vision of the attack before using the dodge (the Player should always check with the Narrator what their character can see).

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