2.1.1 - Akhekh

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The Pendragon that had the least interactions with the people of Midragar, which yields an air of mystery that only attracts more curiosity from the Elevated. Reports of encounters with this species are rare, however, the descriptions of beauty and grandeur in such accounts compensate to create the image of a truly fantastic being.

The claws are the main form of attack of this species, using the prey only if it is guaranteed to achieve a slaughter. They always prefer a more sneaky approach to direct confrontation because they don't have much strength or stamina.

Beastly Aspect

· Short, narrow snout.

· Long, slender body and a pair of wings.

· Four legs and can't walk bipedally.

· It may have no horns or up to three pairs connected by a membrane.

· Medium tail not prehensible.

· Canonically it is always female.

Mortal Aspect

· Delicate features.

· Height considered tall for most Elevated.

· She has a lot of difficulty in biped walking.

· She has a bit of difficulty learning manual skills.



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(image - fire feather by Lena Lucia dragon)

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(image - fire feather by Lena Lucia dragon)

Pendragons, About beasts and mortals 0.1a (RPG)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora