2.7.2 - Social Skills

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This involves all kinds of connections, both legal and illegal. However, you need to choose which side you walk on, as this will directly influence the way you are perceived by Faunamorphs (mortals).


Determines how your exotic pendragon beauty affects the Faunamorphs (mortals) around you. Their deep gaze, claws and fangs are adornments that enhance your majestic appearance. Pendragons are beautiful creatures and using this to their advantage is your trump card.


This concerns manners and politeness. From the formality of words to the social conventions used in the upper classes. If pendragons want to change the stigma that they are nothing more than beasts who live only for destruction, they will need much more than to learn to walk bipedally.


Determines how familiar you are with large-scale confrontations. It encompasses war strategies, coordination of troops and squads, as well as being able to recognize what kind of confrontation preceded it based on the remains left by the environment.


Determines the power of your words, how they are able to guide crowds, bend kings and queens to your will and make royal advisors listen. Can lead a husband to kill his wife if necessary.


Determines how scary you are. You can make the strongest run in fear, intimidate the biggest and threaten the bravest soldiers. You can break a faunamorph (mortal) with your words or terrify him with a look.


Can perceive behavioral traits, changes in tone of voice, nervous tics and subtext in speech. Faunamorphs (mortals) are not so difficult to decipher for those who take the time to learn, and being immortal, you have plenty of time.


Determines the ability to convince others that your way is the best way and what they believe is not so true. You can convince kings to ignore their advisors or you can become one yourself. Whispering ideas while drowning out others. Giving someone that little push to do that thing they're so hesitant to do or changing a certain decision.


This is the art of hiding your intentions, telling half-truths and justifying dubious attitudes. It can lead someone to believe one thing when you mean exactly the opposite and convince them that your actions don't really matter.

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