Lore 6 - Hemataint Lords

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Aberrations of flesh and corruptible desires. Offspring of the blood titans who reigned over Midragar with hatred and fear. These things are the embodiments of the evil desires of the heart and become stronger with cults that extol such desires.

The self-styled Hemataint Lords are Faunamorphs who mix parts of titans with the overload of the Arcane Rivers and become colossal creatures completely losing their sanity.

The Faunamorphs become these creatures for a variety of reasons. For fear of the other beasts that inhabit Midragar, sometimes because they believe that perhaps they can reach the same level as the titans if they did, sometimes by rites in some religious cults.

When they mutate to these freaks, they begin to parasitize wherever they are. Absorbing magic from the environment with the aim of growing even more. In this way they also gain access to other fields of magic.

The only thing capable of facing these things head-on is a Pendragon, as they are also able to use various fields of magic and cast spells on the same scale.

Hemataint Lords evolve in other Settings, growing more and more in power and influence.

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