Lore 7.1.2 - Catalysts

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If you cannot reach the Chords with your voice, you can choose to use catalysts that assist in this aspect. These are created as if they were magic instruments capable of vibrating at the correct frequency and thus using the Chords.

The catalysts are divided into three families.

1. The family of metals (horns, trumpets, trombones, bombardons [euphonium] and tubas) that play Kaytraz Chords.

2. Family of strings (violins, violas, cellos, guitars, guitars, basses, ukulele) that play Gelyatrak Chords.

3. And the percussion family that play Serador Chords.

Catalysts do not have the same effectiveness as using one's own voice as do animals and Pendragons. Nor can they be made of any kind of material. It is necessary to use crystarcanes and minerarcanes throughout the instrument so that it can reach the correct frequencies and resist the vibrations of such frequencies.

The creation process takes months to become usable and years to reach its full potential. And yet, it doesn't equate to the use of voice. For this reason, quality catalysts are very rare to be found and symbolize the power of a community.

The catalyst is made using crystarcanes and minerarcanes. The minerarcanes make the basis and the crystarcanes make up the other parts. Imagine a metal flute with beak and crystal hole coatings.

Elevated living in the sea also use catalysts, but they are adapted to operate underwater, are muchlarger and require more people to operate. 

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