2.1.5 - Fae

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The most despised species among the Pendragons for not having as much spectacle when she's in combat, but she makes up for it in lethality and surreal speed. A flying needle is a scary thing to face.

She's rarely more than a meter and a half long (measuring from the tip of the tail to the snout) and, because of this, prefer to avoid contact even with other Pendragons. She has a peculiarity for being the only species with insect wings among all Pendragons. The keratin that should fill the wings is made of a super thin crystal.

Beastly Aspect

· Short rounded snout, since it does not use the prey to attack most of the time.

· She have a pair of thin horns.

o It cannot be changed.

· The crystal wings, sharp as razors, are her main weapon.

o She has the speed of an ordinary bird (imagine a sparrow).

· Claws are used more to cling to things than to attack.

· Prehensile long tail.

o She has spines at the tip that are used to cut as well as the wings.

o The Player can roll attack twice by spending a single action.

· Canonically it is always female.

Mortal Aspect

· Rounded and delicate features.

· Very short stature for most Midragar breeds.

· It has no difficulty in developing manual skills.

· She doesn't know how to walk bipedally very well because she spends most of her time flying while in the Beastly Aspect.

· The wings slump over the shoulders like an overcoat.

o She cannot lift anything but her own body.

o   She cannot lift anything but her own body

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(image - Bottle leopard Moth Dragon by Sunima)

Pendragons, About beasts and mortals 0.1a (RPG)Where stories live. Discover now