Lore 7.1.6 - Arsilan

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Acronym of "arcane sign language", represents the study of conjuring Chords with hand signals and voice.

This technique has a very small range, almost 1/4 (one quarter), compared to other methods, however, it is much more accurate and easier to use.

It is the mandatory method in several schools of magic besides being the first contact of many with magic since some babies manage to cast spells even unintentionally.

To cast a Chord using Arsilan, you must use three gestures while saying the desired Chord, tone, and change. Just performing the gestures doesn't do anything, and neither does saying the names. And as soon as everything is done, the Chord is immediately conjured in the direction that the sorcerer's hands and mouth are pointing.

You can "hold" a Chord before casting it. For this it is necessary to say the alteration and literally hold the sound with your hands. Then just make the corresponding gesture and the Chord will be cast.

This is risky, because holding the Chord is painful as holding the element itself already conjured in your hands. And should the sorcerer make the mistake of saying an alteration and making the wrong gesture, the Chord explodes in his hands. In extreme cases it can even create a tiny Arcane River on the spot.

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