3.3 - Rolling the Dices

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To start a test, a Player asks to perform an action within a scene. The Narrator then defines an Attribute or Knowledge to be tested in that action. Strength to lift a rock, for example. After this, the Narrator sets the difficulty of the test. Then the bonuses and penalties for the test are calculated to add or remove the number of dice used.

Multiple dice are rolled together, representing the points of the Attribute or Knowledge tested. For a test to pass, the number of "success" dice must be equal to or greater than the difficulty.

For example, jumping a distance of "x" is calculated by Speed + Strength - Size. So you have to add up the Speed and Strength points, then subtract them by the number of Size points. Then check for bonuses or penalties.

If a PJ has 2 (two) Strength, 1 (one) Speed and 2 (two) Size points and no bonuses or penalties, it is added up like this. First, the Strength and Speed points are added together, which is 2 + 1 (two plus one), to get 3 (three) points. Then the Size points are subtracted to get 3 - 2 (three minus two). In this example, PC would test with a single point. Which is equivalent to a six-sided die (1d6).

If no die gets a result greater than or equal to the difficulty, the test fails. If any die rolls a 6, it is counted as a crit (see chapter - Crits for more details).

It is also possible to have a catastrophe. This occurs when a d6 results in a 1 (one) (see chapter - Fumble for more details).

To summarize:

- Multiple dice are rolled in each test.

- The number of dice is determined by the number of Attribute/Knowledge points tested.

- The difficulty is the minimum number of "successes" required to pass the test.

- What determines whether a test will pass or fail is not the sum of the values of the faces of the dice, but the number of dice that have "successes".

- If a die scores 6, it's considered a crit.

- If a die lands on 1, it's a fumble.

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